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Different Loving

his is an educational view on D/s pure and simple. Broken into seven sections to focus on different aspects of BDSM such as the relationship, SM, body modification, gender lines, fetishism and watersports.

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Socrates Inspires Cherry to Blossom (The Online Dom)

The book had originally started out as just a short story, but then it ended up taking on a life of its own and I know that for myself and her other fans, we are both extremely grateful that it did!

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Why I Think No Limits Slavery Does Not Exist

For me, there will always be limits. I can see when a slave says they honestly don't have any limits they truly believe that they don't. And it very well could be the case. But turn around and talk to the Dominant and they will be able to list things that they would never do with their property - be it because they don't get off on it or because they value their property enough to not want to harm them. This for me is why no limits slavery does not exist.

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The Female of the Species: Bisexuality and Identifying as Submissive

Playing with other girls can be great, but it works the best when everyone wants it to happen. Not just 2 out of the 3. I think there needs to be an attraction too, in whatever form it takes whether it's physical or something else or that added x factor. For me I enjoy it the most when I play with someone who I consider a friend and who I am comfortable with, so I think my advice for anyone wanting to explore this is that it's best to find a good friend first and see where it goes if an attraction develops just like any other relationship.

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Tina-poLD's Personal Thoughts on Domestic Service

I wish to share some of my thoughts on my struggle with housework. I have been reading these articles on domestic service with interest. At 47 years old I still struggle with the mundane tasks of keeping a home.

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Making Assumptions: Try to Learn Everything and Make Sure Your Partner Knows Too

What's dangerous is that more and more information that is shared has a larger element of assumed knowledge; the information you need to know before you pick up the new information. I'm not perfect either.

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What's In a Name? Selecting a Scene Name You Can Live With

Choosing a scene name is one thing if it is only ever going to be used online, but it takes a bit more thinking about if you are going to refer to yourself as it in real life as well or use it as an introduction point at a munch or something like 'I'm ********* on FetLife'

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Why You Should Know the Truth About Topping from the Bottom

Ask one hundred submissives why they consider topping from the bottom as bad and they will likely come up with something relating to "forcing the Dominant's hand." They'd be right. The real, honest to goodness, truth is that forcing the Dominant's hand is the only way you can bottom-top. How you do that is situational, different for different people or different reasons and you really can't list the exact ways that it comes about.

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When Kinky isn't Sexy

Kink and sex are indistinguishable from each other: if something kinky ensues, something sexy is sure to follow. The reality is, however, that the two can, and sometimes should be separated.

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New to D/s Relationships? Here’s Your Foolproof Guide to Starting Out – Part 2

In part 2, you'll learn how to figure out what you need in a D/s relationship and what is expected of you within the blossoming relationship. It's all about what you want and need and getting as much of that as possible. Live happy. Don't settle.

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