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Book Review: Beyond Obedience: For all who are called to Mastery, Ownership, slavery, surrender & service

The essays and original writings in this book expand more on SlaveMaster’s and slave 7’s beliefs of being a Born Slave as well as topics of authenticity, the ego of the slave, freedom in slavery as well as several more topics that would take too long for me to name. Each topic offers viewpoints from SlaveMaster and slave 7, which makes this a great book to be read no matter what side of the slash you find yourself on.

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Natural Law: 2 (Nature of Desire)

This story works as a suspense thriller, but even more satisfying to me as a bdsm novel.

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For People Looking to Discover Your Submissive Nature

Discovering your submissive nature isn't always a sudden process. For many people it takes some soul searching to see that you may enjoy being a people-pleaser or that when someone asks you to do something you happily do it without a second thought. For others it takes some social reprogramming to allow your full nature to come out.

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How To Talk About Your Wants and Needs With Your Dominant

Once you have your list worked out and are satisfied with how important it is for you to have these needs met, it's time to express them. Not only will it keep your submissive transparent, but it will provide you with information on your partner's wants and needs. Needs lists are not negotiable. You shouldn't settle and you should never have someone convince you that your needs aren't important.

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Preach What You Practice: Teaching What You Know Helps Others and That's Why I Do What I Do

You can have the passion for teaching as well. In everything you do, there is a lesson that another submissive can pick up. A few years ago I was given the opportunity to show another submissive how I give a foot massage. Now, I've not had training and I've only picked up a few books and read a few articles so I wasn't sure what I could teach her, but we still sat down at the feet of our owners and massaged them. She did learn a few new things that she didn't already know and it re-solidified my ability to please my Master in this task. You too probably have things you can teach.

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The Returning a Collar After a Break Up

I decided to return the collar with the same regard in which it was presented. Traditionally, a collar is offered with a great deal of significance for the persons and the relationship they share. But in the heat of emotion, we may not think to return one in the same reverent manner which it was accepted. So, I took it upon myself to rise above the childish feelings I could have so easily resorted to.

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...And Along Came Baby: Parenting and Submission

When I found out that I was pregnant, many people just assumed that we would drop the majority of our lifestyle to focus on family rearing. Nothing could be further from the truth!

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Your Label - Submissive Meditation Monday

Understanding that you can be any labels you wish to, we’re going to try to understand why these labels are the ones we desire.

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Sample Master/slave contract - Basic

A great basic contract example to use for your own D/s relationships. Copy it completely or use it to customize for your own personal relationship (preferred).

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