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Non-sexual Service and How To Add It To Your Dynamic

Using my experience as a service submissive, I'd like to share what non-sexual service is and help you figure out if service is something you want to explore. I'll talk about a few different styles of service you could learn. Then we'll cover how you can start adding aspects of service into your relationship.

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Showing 81 to 90 of 237.

Alternatives to Kneeling and Visible Signs of Submission

Kneeling is the ultimate sign of submission. But what if for some reason or another you can't kneel to your Dominant? Does that make you less of a submissive? Should you force your body to do something it can't just to feel submission in what's supposed to be the most visible way?

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A Mentoring Checklist: What to Expect in a Mentor

I made the following printable chart which you can fill out and send to potential mentoring candidates to ensure clarity on both ends.

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An Introduction to Body Service

One of the more intimate ways that we submissives can serve our Dominants is by learning and performing grooming duties usually left to themselves to do.

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A Personal First: Bootblacki​ng and Boot Worship

I won't bore you with the step by step details of what I did. However, what is of key importance for this writing is what I felt. I was extremely focused, calm even. There was an intense feeling of determination. My understanding being that I was contributing to Sir's uniform; his appearance; and I wanted him to look sharp!

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A Slave Uniform - What's It Look Like?

KnyghtMare and I test out a slave uniform. What's it like?

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A Submissive's Collection of Domestic Service Resources

Quite an extensive list of Domestic Service resources and links for any submissive looking to enhance that part of their service. Links from this site, the internet, FetLife and more.

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BDSM and Submission: The Five Precepts of Service

Meditating on these precepts offers me inspiration and guidance. I think of these as five bottomless practices that can be continually explored and deepened. They are not linear and have no value as theories or concepts. To be understood and realized, they have to be lived into and communicated through action.

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BDSM To Cure Insomnia

I am not a doctor or expert on health issues but I have found something which helps me get to sleep at night: BDSM! There are two ways I have found that BDSM helps me fall asleep at night.

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Beginning Domestic Service: Basic Knitting Tips and Tutorials

Once considered old ladies' busy work, I'm here to try to bring a comeback to knitting. With knitting you can provide items for the home that will not only last longer but usually work better and are far cheaper (in the long run). Knitting can be a peaceful time full of introspection while you create and craft.

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Beginning Domestic Service: How to Sew On a Button and other Simple Mending Tasks

Learning how to mend and patch is an age old skill that used to be second nature, but now it's a lot easier for people to go out and buy a new pair of jeans when they rip or a new sweater when you lose a button. Clothing has become more disposable. If you are looking for an economical approach to saving your favorite jeans or are comfortable with a needle and thread then learning simple mending will not only extend the life of your clothing but keep the money in your pocket.

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