Whether you’re in a D/s dynamic that’s open to new play partners, or you’re in a polyamorous relationship, jealousy can be a challenge. If it’s causing snags in your relationships (and even before it does), coping with jealousy can be a useful skill to learn. These five tips will have you well on your way.
Read The Article | Find SimilarA contract is not a legally binding document, but more of an agreement between two consenting individuals. Some are very formal and have multiple pages, others are as brief as a few paragraphs. A D/s contract is a lot like a pre-nuptial agreement.
Read The Article | Find SimilarAlmost all of us have felt jealousy at one time or another. The best thing anyone has ever said to me in my understanding of jealousy was that “jealousy is just another emotion”. Why should we treat jealousy any different than any other negative emotion?
Read The Article | Find SimilarWhen luna indicated that she was going to emphasize domestic service at the Sub Guide this month, it reminded me that when I tell people I am primarily a service submissive I am frequently asked: “What is that?”. The follow-up question is often, “What do you get out of that?” It seemed an opportune time to tackle these questions. (Sometimes the follow-up question is “What are you secondarily, then?” To which I always reply, “Whatever She needs me to be, of course.”)
So what is a service submissive? Simply put, it’s a sub (male or female) that takes care of household chores and similar tasks. Cooking, cleaning and other domestic duties might be performed by a service submissive. We essentially take the role of butler, maid, chauffeur, gardener or cook.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI’ve had other Doms comment that He can’t really teach me, that He can’t really control me, blah blah. He isn’t old enough, there is no way He could have the experience needed to handle a strong sub like me. However, to me, it’s less about experience than the intuition He has.
Read The Article | Find SimilarThis is a guest post by fuzzyP for the Day in the Life Series.
Read The Article | Find SimilarMoney is power, and taking control of the finances is a way of exerting power over the relationship. Depending what your situation looks like, it may be more difficult than it sounds, especially if you are used to having full control over your money.
Read The Article | Find SimilarThrough open communication and the ability to listen to one another, we were able to come to a conclusion that met both of our needs.
Read The Article | Find SimilarOther than fulfilling pleasure, your sexual needs are just as important as any other needs you have in a relationship; from love or happiness, trust and honesty, being taken care of or anything else you've determined is a need for you in a relationship.
Read The Article | Find SimilarMy Dominant is constantly changing the rules of the relationship and I don't agree with them. I love him and don't want to give him up but I am starting to question if he ever really loved me at all?
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