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BDSM vs Abuse

The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.

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Service Submission

Service. It’s something that a lot of submissive say they are into giving. While it’s quite clear that the definition means that we are helping or doing work for someone, performing a kindness or favor, when we apply that term to D/s it tends to take on a more indepth role. Let’s explore some of the ways service submission exists in D/s relationships.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech

Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.

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Simply Service e-Zine

One of the hidden jewels on this site is an e-Zine that ran on Yahoo Groups back when I first started exploring submission. It has since stopped production but the articles it contained are still valuable and worth a read so I thought I ‘d bring them back to the forefront. They’ve been archived here with the editor’s permission since the site was first created but I don’t think many of you know just how wonderful they are. I encourage you to check them out!

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Becoming a Slave

"Becoming a Slave" is a book that I would highly suggest anyone who is already in a relationship or is thinking about getting involved in the lifestyle.

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How an Outline Aligned My Submission and What You Can Learn From Your Own Outline

Sure it seems odd at first, but once you write down your key reasons for being submissive and then flesh it out with how to improve, what your talents, skills, and abilities are it's nice to see it all written out. I've referred to the 0utline a couple times so far when I feel that inner voice creep in to break me down.

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Becoming Comfortable with My Submissive Role

Submitting did not make my thoughts less valuable or inappropriate, it simply meant that I would have to learn to accept that the final decision lay with my partner, my Dom, not with me.

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Single In The Scene Part VI: Vulnerability

I’m of the opinion that there are many slaves who are unowned for one reason: fear of being vulnerable. I believe with all my being that if we don’t start reconciling ourselves with vulnerability, what we give in regards to service will come more from the surface than the core.

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The Punishment Place: Dealing with Punishment as a Slave

Accepting that my behavior is a direct reflection on Him, that my thoughts and actions need first to be scrutinized, on my own, for what I know He expects of me. I will fail again, I'm sure. And I will be back in that place.

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Time Management: The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique has, so far, successfully combated most of the challenges of being a stay-at-home partner, and has a couple of different, bonus benefits that I could potentially see working for various personality types.

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