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The Myth of the 24/7 Submissive Mindset (and Why So Many of Us Struggle)

The submissive or slave mindset often sought after by novice submissives or those changing the form of their dynamic to 24/7 relationships, doesn't exist.

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For People Looking to Discover Your Submissive Nature

Discovering your submissive nature isn't always a sudden process. For many people it takes some soul searching to see that you may enjoy being a people-pleaser or that when someone asks you to do something you happily do it without a second thought. For others it takes some social reprogramming to allow your full nature to come out.

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What FetLife Has Done To Change The Kink Community

FetLife, for as long as it remains a free community will always be the place I recommend novices go to lurk in the groups and feed off of information that they get there. It is the largest no-nonesense group of people I've seen. FetLife has changed the community atmosphere. It really has. Better or worse is personal opinion, but I know that for me it has a lot going for it. As it ages I think it will get more refined with the quality instead of just quantity. I'll be there to see it age. Hopefully you will join me there.

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A Day in the Life: Autumn Raine Skye

This is a guest post by Autumn Raine Skye for the Day in the Life Series.

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Recommended Podcasts for Kink and Power Exchange Relationships

There are several very good podcasts online that I enjoy listening to from time to time and I finally pulled together a short list of the ones that I don't like to miss a single episode.

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Expressing Your Submission (with hair!)

Talking to your Dom about the way you keep your hair (the colour, the length, the style of cut, etc.) can give your Dom some great opportunities to exercise control over you in a new way, and thereby give you the opportunity to grow into a new kind of submission.

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Obedience: A Slavey Meditation

I can't say I've always been obedient - as a child, an adult, or even as a slave. But I hadn't ever considered any parts of the bigger picture of what it means to be disobedient, either, until now.

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It's Okay to be New - Exploring and Learning as a Novice Submissive

When you visit this site, I don't expect you to have all the information you need to make educated responses, or to know what to do first, second and next. It's a process.

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Learn to Speak Up and Speak Out: Empowering Yourself to Have a Voice

But asking for what I want and raising concerns to him is topping from the bottom! No, no it's not. You do, in fact, have to tell them what you are thinking and feeling.

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Where All The Dominants Are and How to Find Them

I've put together all the articles from the site and elsewhere that will help you find a partner that is compatible with you and your desires.

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