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Emily Post Is Right: Basic Manners and Etiquette That Are Useful To Your Submission

The following is a short list of manners and rules that help guide our daily living so that we are more appropriate in social settings. Review them and see if there are any you don't know.

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A Day in the Life: Autumn Raine Skye

This is a guest post by Autumn Raine Skye for the Day in the Life Series.

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Fictional Stories of Male Submission

I have read several hundred fictional stories of male submission and here are my favorite stories and authors in no particular order.

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Why You Should Know the Truth About Topping from the Bottom

Ask one hundred submissives why they consider topping from the bottom as bad and they will likely come up with something relating to "forcing the Dominant's hand." They'd be right. The real, honest to goodness, truth is that forcing the Dominant's hand is the only way you can bottom-top. How you do that is situational, different for different people or different reasons and you really can't list the exact ways that it comes about.

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Having Enough Love for More than Just One Partner

Being in a polyamorous relationship is about sharing my entire being with someone else other than just Daddy. Yes, being in a polyamorous relationship isn’t easy and takes a lot of work, but if all people involved are willing to make the relationship work, then it can work.

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Recommended Podcasts for Kink and Power Exchange Relationships

There are several very good podcasts online that I enjoy listening to from time to time and I finally pulled together a short list of the ones that I don't like to miss a single episode.

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Pain Play Discussed Online - Explore The Variety of Views

Some of the best online reading on the topic. Browse the list, watch the videos and learn more about pain play.

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What is Aftercare?

Most often we associate this term with the time frame immediately following a 'scene'. However, this term is equally applicable at many other points and times and many times is not associated with BDSM or D/s at all.

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Dealing with Guilt as a Submissive

When it comes to dealing with guilt, you have to talk about it. You can’t just shove it somewhere deep inside and expect that to take care of everything. Neither can you throw yourself into an activity and consider it done. You have to talk it out with the person, no matter how difficult that may be.

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The Role Sex Plays in a D/s Relationship

Sex and how we've learned about sex can form our own opinions about how sexual D/s forms in our lives and how we respond to it. The emphasis of sex in a D/s relationship comes about in a variety of forms and is only limited by your imagination. What role does it play in your relationship?

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