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5 Myths About Submissives and Submission

Let’s talk about the different myths surrounding submissives and submission. Some may surprise you.

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31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood

31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood is completely unlike any fictional BDSM book that I have read. Check out the review!

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When Is It Okay to Top From the Bottom?

Topping from the bottom has been given a bad wrap. It's considered by many to be a faux pax for any submissive. Online communities shun and shame many people who even ask about the subject and want to know if what they did was considered wrong. Too many people tell these people that yes it was wrong even if it really isn't. Today I'd like to tell you that there are a few perfectly valid situations where topping from the bottom is not only necessary but welcome. That's right, the fear of topping from the bottom doesn't have to bring fear to the heart of a submissive.

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Collars and More: Symbols of Ownership in a D/s Relationship

For me, ownership needs to feel permanent, but also part of a loving and happy relationship. The things that symbolize ownership to me are things I can't get rid of too easily since the collar needs a special allen key that he keeps to remove it and my tattoo, of course, would need to be removed surgically. Both of these mean as much to me as my engagement ring.

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How to Use the "30 Days" Memes Effectively to Maximize Submissive Growth

What if I were to tell you that you could learn a lot more about yourself by asking one simple question after you answer these? Sure it means more work, but the thoughts and understanding that you could gain from playing a game or meme to the fullest could have some personal benefit. And who wouldn't want to expand and grow in submission?

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The Role of a Collar in a Long Distance D/s Relationship

Wearing a collar is not just a way to signify to myself and others that I have given myself to another person, it’s a way to comfort myself when I’m feeling alone and to reassure myself on the days when I don’t feel actively submissive.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 1 – Adrenaline

The simulated danger and potential for bodily harm in BDSM can cause large doses of this neurotransmitter to be dumped into your bloodstream, increasing your heart rate and giving you a rush.

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My Time on the Edge: Exploring Rimming

Truthfully, I wanted to put this activity on my “hell no” list, but because he’s very persuasive, and because I could not find any solid reasons why I didn’t want to do it, I sought out information so that I could educate myself about it.

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My Dominant Breaks Down When Punishing Me

Every time he punishes me (even if I take it like the good pet I am) he’ll start crying midway through no matter how angry he was. I don’t know what to do?!

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What Should I Try Next: Like Bondage? Try Mummification!

If you enjoy bondage, whether it is trying out under the bed restraints, basic rope ties, or other means of being tied, consider looking into mummification. Mummification is using plastic wrap, medical tape, body bags, or other materials to completely restrict and immobilize the body.

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