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The False Comfort of Labels on Our Personal Identity in Kink

We allow ourselves to become trapped within the created labels of others we are essentially accepting an external level of control or entrapment. Becoming comfortable and accepting of yourself is when you will find your personal strength and internal peace.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 5: How To Bow and Curtsy Appropriately

Do you know how to bow or curtsy? Is it comfortable for you to do? Today's task is to learn how to bow and curtsy correctly and smoothly for any situation.

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Submissive and Slave: A Personal View

Some say the difference between a submissive and a slave has nothing whatever to do with how much control one gives up or how submissive one is. That it's in one's actions. In the way the slave obeys without question or hesitation. In the respect in the slave's voice when he or she speaks with his or her owner. In the way the slave knows what the owner needs almost before the owner does. But I've known some submissives to show their dominants more respect than some slaves show their owners.

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You Are What You Read: What Got You Into BDSM and D/s?

Some people think it is to do with their nature from birth, others think it is how they are nurtured and what they experience in life. I think perhaps I am somewhere between the middle in my belief on that issue.

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Understanding Sub Fever

Figuring out what to do once you know you have it can be difficult. Novice submissives lose their rational thought really easily when the fever takes hold.

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This is Not a Game - BDSM is My Life

I feel that there are so many who come into the lifestyle and do not realize what being a slave or submissive really entails. They come into the lifestyle having a certain expectation, a certain fantasy, but once they really get their feet wet, they realize it’s nothing that they expected.

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Submissive Frenzies: When You Want It All RIGHT NOW!

Many aspects of BDSM are similar to addictions and Frenzies can be considered to be the 'withdrawal' stage. The peculiar thing about this is that a submissive need not ever have engaged in a real life D/s BDSM experience to actually go into this state of need

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Beyond Limits: The Illusion of Safety

The only true limitations are those fundamental values that you carry at your core. The inviolate lines that you will not cross for to do so you believe would compromise who you believe yourself to be. That final line in the sand.

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Submissive Myths: Submission is a Result of Childhood Abuse

If a human being at some point in their childhood becomes the focus of physical and/or sexual abuse does this then turn them into a submissive at some later point in their lives?

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Finding Love in the D/s Lifestyle

The topic of love in regards to Lifestyle relationships is usually a pretty hot topic. Everyone has an opinion, thought, rule, or feeling about it.

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