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Showing 641 to 650 of 1486.

What Everybody Ought To Know About Basic Needs and Need Deficits

The next time you take a look at your needs list, make a note of how important that need is. You can always scale them so that you can make sure your base needs are being met. Never settle for less than what you require. Submissives have needs too, make sure yours get met.

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When You Can't Get Away: Follow Up to Submissive PMS

Answering some reader questions after the Submissive PMS video.

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Kink and Mental Health: Real Emotion v. Mental Illness

Sometimes those around me can't tell the difference between my mental illness and an actual emotional problem. I do my best to reassure those around me that it's really not them, it's me. And I'm not always successful. And they often do more reassuring than I do. But without knowing the underlying cause, and figuring out how to avoid it, I'm kinda stuck. So that's something I'm working on.

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Enjoy Being a Single Submissive - Look Forward to a Relationship Later

Patience isn’t always something we have, but it something you can learn. You can find other ways to feed your needs while you look. You can get through being single.

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Male Submission – Foot Fetish

A foot fetish is not necessarily related to submission, although for many guys the two combine well and there are a whole lot of varieties of activities and preferences for guys with a foot fetish.

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30 Days to Submission: Day 5 - Counting and Comparing Relationships

Have you been or are you in a dominant/submissive dynamic relationship or is this new to you?

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Reconnecting When I Feel A Disconnect with My Submission

No matter where I am in my submissive journey I find times where it's harder to submit than others.

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How to Tell If You Are With a Dominant or Just a Bossy Dick

I've spent some time trying to muster up a list of identifying features of Dominants and Jerks just to see what I can come up with. Hopefully, they can help you identify why you may be miserable with the partner you are currently with.

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Build Self-Esteem through Grooming Rituals: Series Intro

When you’re being asked to put your body on display for various purposes, having a low self-esteem or an unhappy body image can be detrimental to how you conduct yourself in and out of play.

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How Sub Space Affects Sexual Sensations During Play

What we can all agree on is that subspace alters your senses during play. I'm going to talk about why orgasms fail to happen during subspace and the very tiny minority that can achieve orgasm during subspace.

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