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Emotional Moderation in Submission: Choose Your Emotions Wisely

As submissives, we are expected to express a modicum of restraint, most often in regards to our words and actions. Frequently, we do this to align ourselves with the expectations of the dominants who care for us. I propose that while it is admirable to used restraint and moderation in our words and actions, it is even more important to exercise moderation in our thoughts and feelings.

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Active Submission Means Always Improving Yourself

Being effective in submission should make you happy in your life. Far too many times I see novices and experienced submissives floundering and wondering how to make their Owner happy without a thought to how to make themselves happy too.

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The Evolution of Submission or Why I'm Glad I'm Not the Submissive I Was Ten Years Ago

I'm not the submissive I was ten years ago. I'm someone different, someone more.

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Preparing Your Body for Service: Your Bathing Routine

You may have been bathing yourself since you were 5 or 6, but if you haven't changed your bathing routine since then, you may want to consider growing up and learning an adult way to bathe. Each person may have cleaning preferences and this is to be just a guideline and recommendation for bathing and grooming. Preparing your body for your dominant partner is a basic requirement that will amaze and delight them, besides a clean body makes you feel good too.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 13: Customizing and Altering Positions

Today I'd like us to brainstorm ideas for how someone can alter the positions and still hold grace and etiquette at a high standard. It is possible to not follow the 'Gorean' style positions that everyone seems to favor and still look good. For the brainstorming, you will need creative time alone and a desire to work on the positions you want to incorporate but feel incapable of doing.

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How to Use Playtime Check Ins Wisely

Whether you are playing with your partner or someone new, learning how to give good information during a check in is vital to your enjoyment and comfort. I am going to explain what a check in might look or sound like and what information to provide that will be best received and used.

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Preach What You Practice: Teaching What You Know Helps Others and That's Why I Do What I Do

You can have the passion for teaching as well. In everything you do, there is a lesson that another submissive can pick up. A few years ago I was given the opportunity to show another submissive how I give a foot massage. Now, I've not had training and I've only picked up a few books and read a few articles so I wasn't sure what I could teach her, but we still sat down at the feet of our owners and massaged them. She did learn a few new things that she didn't already know and it re-solidified my ability to please my Master in this task. You too probably have things you can teach.

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Out of the Office and Into the Home: Making the Change From Working to Stay-at-Home Submissive

Overall it has been a positive change, even if it wasn't planned to happen right now. We are rolling with the change, making it work for us and honestly, are very happy with how things are developing for us. Staying-at-home is work, but work that I can feel good about because it is improving our personal life and enhancing our dynamic.

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Recapturing Common Sense

All novice submissives have a moment where a lapse in judgment can happen. No one is impervious to the lures of desire and dark needs. When offered a chance to experiment or explore our new-found desires we overlook that most important instinct - our gut instinct.

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4 Ways to Reignite Passion When You Are Suffering From Stale Sex

There are things you can do to reignite the passion when your sex has grown stale.

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