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3 Approaches To Begging When Asked To Do So

Begging is an art form for submissives. Each of us has our own talent or lack thereof in this area. For some, it is part of humiliation or just everyday activities. There are different approaches to begging.

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The Importance of Self-Acceptance When You Are a Little

It’s hard not to internalize the negative messages from people who don’t understand the ageplay dynamic. But you can learn to accept who you are and come out stronger. I’ll give you my own story and some words of encouragement for you to build from. Accept who you are.

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For Consent to Count…ASSENT Has to Matter

I've been following an epic thread on consent for months now, watching sadly as many of the comments devolve into dangerously magical thinking and wishing somebody would speak up, and say "Whoa. There's a point at which personal responsibility comes into play here."

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What You Need To Know About Using Contracts to Negotiate a Relationship

In a D/s relationship, it is not unfamiliar to also draft a contract in which to declare your intentions with each other. These are not required, of course, and some people will proclaim the invalidity of these documents to anyone who will listen. I feel that the creation of a contract has some very useful and valuable importance to a growing relationship.

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Getting Started with Exploring Erotic Hypnosis

The idea of hypnotism always frightened me a little. I never thought it was entertaining to watch someone go up on stage and act like a chicken or in some other humiliating way. My Master, however, was intrigued by the idea of using hypnotism in our M/s relationship. I have always felt somewhat self-conscious with role playing and acting out fantasies, so Master thought of hypnotism as a way to relax me and make me feel less self-conscious.

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Processing Pain in Play: Overcoming the False Edge

The false edge is not a physical limitation, that's a limit. The false edge is the sense you are going to lose control if you continue. There comes a moment in intense play where you can feel afraid and a sense of panic if you allow your Top to continue.

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How Masturbation Changed in My D/s Relationship

For my and probably many of your relationships, orgasms are probably the first thing your Dominant wants to control. Masturbation becomes a shared event; even if it just means you have to tell them when you do it. I have to ask to have orgasms as they 'don't belong to me' anymore.

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The Chase is On - Communicating Openly With Your Dominant

It’s hard sometimes to open up and talk about what’s going on. Yes, it is much easier for one party to just assume that the other party knows what’s going on when in reality; they don’t even have a clue. How is a slave’s Master to know that the slave is struggling with keeping in the mindset they need unless the slave speaks up?

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Why I Could Never Return to a Vanilla Relationship

We are the sum of our experiences, after all, and if I hadn't learned these lessons I don’t think I’d be where I am today.

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How I Prepare for Master's Visit

I do NOT have time to have a meltdown, so I made a checklist which I think is pretty universal and helps you prepare for your Dominant's visit.

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