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Showing 251 to 260 of 1486.

Book Review: How to be a Healthy and Happy Submissive by Kate Kinsey

This book is totally worth checking out and for those who are newly venturing into the lifestyle and wanting to educate themselves in a non overwhelming manner.

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The Key Traits of a Service Submissive - They Can Be Learned!

Anyone can learn to be a good service submissive, even if you don't feel you are a people pleaser, because the key traits are all ones that can be learned and refined. When you take steps to improve yourself now, you'll be able to tackle a variety of service challenges and refine the services you wish to provide for your Dominant.

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Should You Tell Your Friends about Your Kinky Interests?

Approaching your friends with something as private and sensitive as your sexual interests or lifestyle ideas maybe a decision you have to make sooner or later the further you get into your kinky habits. Your friends are your support system in all other ways of your life, but are they able to handle the new information you are thinking about giving them? Can you live with yourself if you lose said friend because they think you are too 'out there'?

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Beginning Domestic Service: Making The Most Of A Frugal Food Budget

How to take care of your Dominant while conserving a frugal food budget.

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When Masturbation Is No Longer Private - Playing With Yourself For Your Dominant

We give up many things when we enter into a D/s relationship those that I have given up I have done so freely but not without having taken baby steps. As my Sir required that I masturbate for him I was blown away, what give up my most private, and as many of us are brought up to believe, the most embarrassing thing to be caught at.

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Changing for Master While Honoring and Maintaining Ourselves

The role of the Dominant is to provide a safe environment for the sub to express his or her submissiveness and be able to grow. The role of the sub is to provide a safe environment for the Dominant to express His or Her Dominance and be able to grow.

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An Introduction to Body Service

One of the more intimate ways that we submissives can serve our Dominants is by learning and performing grooming duties usually left to themselves to do.

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What's That Sound? Discreet BDSM Play and Hiding Toys from Children

Taking precautions when it comes to the noises that can come from play when you have kids in the home.

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How I Help Our Finances Without Knowing the Numbers

I don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.

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