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BDSM vs Abuse

The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.

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Improving Your Submission: Identify Your Focus

I want to help you figure out for yourself how to answer the question, "How do I improve my submission?".

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5 Ways to Bring Out Your Dominance In Bed

I've had a question recently from a submissive woman who has been asked on occasion to be assertive and dominant in bed by her Dominant. She says she can't connect with that because she is submissive and has difficulty being assertive in the bedroom. I can understand where she is coming from with this, and I'm certain that you do as well.

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The Gift of Submission, Or Is It?

When I first started exploring submission I heard and read numerous times that submission is a gift to the Dominant that accepts it. For a long time, I subscribed to this way of thinking and there is nothing wrong with thinking about your submission this way. I'm not here to tell you that you are wrong. I am hoping that I can give you a different perspective about your submission that you may not have thought about.

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When He Removes The Collar: The 3 R's to Get You Back on Your Feet

I'd like to share with you what helped me restore myself and ultimately seek the collar again.

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Letting Go of the Bank Account - Submitting to Financial Control

Personally, I am not a very organized person and on top of that I'm lousy with numbers, always was, even in elementary school. If my check book was ever going to be balanced accordingly, someone else was just going to have to do it! Fortunately for my check book and I, my Dominant is better organized and more patient with a calculator, and even more fortunate for us he's very good at it.

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Little Known Ways We Experience Sub Space

Sub space is a real thing. It does happen and there are many ways you can reach sub space, experience sub space and come out of sub space. And there are people that don't reach sub space. That doesn't make you any less of a submissive, not at all. It just means you experience things differently.

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Entering the Community: Understanding and Following General Protocols in Public

Low and high protocol events require different rules and behaviors. Here's how you navigate them, they aren't as scary as you think!

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BDSM and Kids: Getting Kinky With Kids Around

Over the past few years, Kayla found certain things help her feel submissive, enjoy kinky sex, and even have BDSM scenes as a parent. Here's some tips for your own playtime.

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Answered: Your Burning Questions About What Is Expected Of You As a Submissive

I'm going to guide you to the answers, but you'll still have to do your own work as far as finding the answers that will work for you.

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