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For Male Submissives

While this site is predominantly written by and for female submissives, a lot of what we write about can apply to male submissives too. But there are topics that are specific to male submissives and relationships where the male is submissive and we’ve curated them into a single collection for you here.

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SlaveCraft is a great book, but not for the novice. The author writes for the submissive or slave who may already have experience and thus understand the skills and tools that will help deepen their surrender.

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A Mentor is Not Your Dom: Learning How to Connect with Experienced People For Submissive Development

If a Dominant approaches you and offers to be your mentor, make sure you clarify with them what you expect from them and for your own sake, keep it platonic. Your personal growth will be much improved and when that perfect Dominant comes along you'll be ready.

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Who Has the Greatest Responsibility in a D/s Relationship?

Every adult has some personal responsibilities that don't go away just because you may be submissive in a D/s or M/s relationship.

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You Don't Have to Be a Porn Star or Fashion Model to Participate in BDSM

You've seen the porn on and other places and you notice that most of the pictures on FetLife are of fit, healthy people dressed in latex and leather from head to toe. You can't possibly fit into the BDSM world. Wrong.

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How to Keep a Cool Head When You Get Angry With Your Dominant

Yelling at them may seem like the thing to do, but with the right tools and a dash of inner strength, you can learn how to express yourself without blowing your top.

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How to Tell If You Are With a Dominant or Just a Bossy Dick

I've spent some time trying to muster up a list of identifying features of Dominants and Jerks just to see what I can come up with. Hopefully, they can help you identify why you may be miserable with the partner you are currently with.

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4 Ways to Reignite Passion When You Are Suffering From Stale Sex

There are things you can do to reignite the passion when your sex has grown stale.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Digitally Store User Manuals Using Evernote or Cloud Storage

Reduce your paper clutter by turning Evernote into your digital notes system that is useful for all of your organization needs. This time, we talk about saving your manuals to equipment so you don't have to keep the paper version.

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Opening the Relationship When It's Already Rocky

Opening up an already unstable relationship is hard for everyone.

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