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Showing 421 to 430 of 1479.

Preparing Your Body for Service: Your Bathing Routine

You may have been bathing yourself since you were 5 or 6, but if you haven't changed your bathing routine since then, you may want to consider growing up and learning an adult way to bathe. Each person may have cleaning preferences and this is to be just a guideline and recommendation for bathing and grooming. Preparing your body for your dominant partner is a basic requirement that will amaze and delight them, besides a clean body makes you feel good too.

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Who Really Has the Power in a D/s Relationship?

Essentially I think we all believe that Dominant/submissive is an exchange of power but when you talk about it with others there happens to be two schools of thought on it. It can really get confusing because each side believes they are right. I'd like to present to you the two ideas and let you make the decision; who has the power, really?

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Processing Pain in Play: What is the Natural Process?

There are three pain processing methods we are going to talk about today. They are acceptance, denial and devouring. Two of these methods are very common, and the third while being rare happens to be where pure masochists place themselves.

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Brimming with Confidence - Learning to Love Your Submissive Potential

You are worth it. No matter what sort of submissive you are, you have potential to excel in everything you put your mind to. All it requires is three simple steps and you will be well on your way to realizing your potential.

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Final Preparations: Do You Know Your Dominant's Final Wishes?

Talking about the final journey is a difficult discussion but one that should be done whenever two or more people are in a serious relationship.

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Putting First Things First: Staying Connected When Apart

Sir programmed a daily task into the calendar on my phone. It was only two words: check-in.

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Being Fully Present: Slowing Down to Live in the Moment

To be fully present in the moment, not thinking about what is next. What a gift I can give to my Dominant - my full and undivided attention in every moment and to be more in tune with His needs.

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Must I Always Wait for My Dominant to Tell me What to Do?

You aren't a doormat. As a submissive, you can have autonomy and an active submission you can be proud of. So, must you always wait for orders? You tell me.

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Answered: Your Burning Questions About What Is Expected Of You As a Submissive

I'm going to guide you to the answers, but you'll still have to do your own work as far as finding the answers that will work for you.

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