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Content related to "When Your Owner's Home Grows: The Impact of Having Additional Live-in Dominants and submissives"


Showing 1291 to 1300 of 1479.

The Returning a Collar After a Break Up

I decided to return the collar with the same regard in which it was presented. Traditionally, a collar is offered with a great deal of significance for the persons and the relationship they share. But in the heat of emotion, we may not think to return one in the same reverent manner which it was accepted. So, I took it upon myself to rise above the childish feelings I could have so easily resorted to.

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Changing for Master While Honoring and Maintaining Ourselves

The role of the Dominant is to provide a safe environment for the sub to express his or her submissiveness and be able to grow. The role of the sub is to provide a safe environment for the Dominant to express His or Her Dominance and be able to grow.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 6: Answering in the Negative

Just as saying yes or answering in the affirmative can be done many ways, saying no has many ways you can say it also.

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Rule #1 - Don't Touch Anything Without Permission

You'll meet white collar, blue collar and poverty stricken people in the same room enjoying conversation with each other. But a select few people haven't learned about spatial boundaries or that the number one rule in groups across the country and perhaps the world is that you don't touch anyone or anything without permission.

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Are They In Your Head Yet? - Listening to Your Internal Dom

It’s not an instant shift in mindset, but you eventually have your Dominant in your head with you as you go about your day.

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Personal Safety Mantra: Safe Sane and Consensual (SSC)

What is SSC? It's a credo that people in the BDSM community use to express the safety tenets of play.

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Can We Move to 24/7 D/s Even If We Have Issues?

How and where can we start advancing our relationship with the many challenges we have?

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I Will Not Support Your Affair: My Stand on Cheating

This is my personal stand on secret relationships, or affairs and how I handle requests for help from people in them.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 25 – Book Notes: How to Select and Read With Purpose

There are many ways to take notes and everyone has a preferred method. Let me teach you my note-taking method that I have developed over the years.

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