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Content related to "In a New Relationship and Self Conscious About My Body"


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22 Deal Breakers that May Be Preventing A Dominant from Approaching You

I realized that I had often heard those complaints/observations-and from people who truly seemed like they would be a great catch. Then I started to think more about it and wondered if they (like all of us) had displayed behaviors that others would declare to be a “deal breaker.”

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The Submissive Activity Book

Honestly though, this book is very much in keeping with the purpose of this website and I'd recommend it for those of you who want to experience structure and start working towards your perfect self without a Dominant. You will then be able to enter into a relationship with more preparedness and your personal value may be higher.

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Sub Space: The Ultimate Frontier for BDSM Play

Subspace is a mental and physical response to the high levels of endorphins produced during play. It can manifest in many different ways and no one subspace is the same as another.

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Psychological Aspects of Consensual Rape in BDSM Scenarios

"Consensual rape." Quite an oxymoron, I suppose. Rape, by definition, is sexual intercourse in which one party is unwilling and unwanting of the attention and act. A consensual act is something quite contrary to that initial concept of rape. A consensual act is one in which all parties are in agreement as to the parameters, activities, and boundaries of said act. How then, does the term "consensual rape" have any validity at all?

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A Slap in the Face: Exploring Face Slapping in BDSM

A slap can say a lot of things, given the circumstances and the parties involved. To some, a slap in the face can say “I love you.” It can say, “you've fucked up.” It can say any number of things in between. But something it will always convey is “you're Mine.” The control and the ownership that is inherent in that one motion can be overwhelming. He loves me enough to discipline me when I need it.

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Fantastic Submissive Videos for Learning and Growth on Kink Academy

If you can't get out to munches in your community or conventions held around the world the next best thing is a website focused on kink education. I have nothing but praise for Kink Academy and the quality educators and topics that they cover on Kink Academy.

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Expressing Your Submission (with hair!)

Talking to your Dom about the way you keep your hair (the colour, the length, the style of cut, etc.) can give your Dom some great opportunities to exercise control over you in a new way, and thereby give you the opportunity to grow into a new kind of submission.

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How to Be Responsive During Play Without Being Demanding

You walk a tightrope of topping from the bottom and being a good receptive bottom when you learn how to be responsive during play.

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Things That Hinder You Getting to Know People At a Munch and How to Overcome Them

Here are a few of the common issues with munches that you can either adjust to or at least work around to try to make your nervous butt feel better at a munch and meeting people for the very first time.

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What Should I Expect from My Dominant?

What is reasonable to expect from a dominant in exchange for submission and service? Let's figure out what you need in order to feel that your power exchange is fulfilling and personal.

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