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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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How To Identify Potential Fake Dominants, Predators and Posers

Fake Dominants are everywhere and have many tricks up their sleeve. I'm sure I've even scratched the surface of what things they can do to try to get you to believe in them and open up. Stay safe, use your common sense and if it feels wrong it probably is.

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Don't Embarrass Yourself: Learn the Etiquette for Play Parties Before You Go

Each social situation we expose ourselves to has it's own set of rules and behaviors. This is also true of BDSM events, perhaps even moreso. A play party will have different rules at each location you may attend one. There will be established rules as well as house/location rules. There are also unspoken rules that many relationships have in place. Let's cover some of each category.

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The Many Faces of Submission

What I'm about to lay out for you is not the only way these terms can be described but it is a good measure for the novice and open to your interpretation. No one way to serve is better than another in this list. Remember that not matter where we are on the mountainous journey, the goal is the same. Surrender.

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Domesticity: The Bathroom

I want to walk you through cleaning and maintaining a tidy bathroom. I feel that cleanliness in the bathroom shows guests how important cleanliness is in your home and your own person. While I currently don't have much more than a hallway sized bathroom with a shower at the end of it, one day I do hope to have a pleasant and inviting retreat for weary bodies.

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7 Ways to Maintain a Long Distance D/s Relationship

There is an art to maintaining any relationship but a long distance one requires a bit more work because you rarely, if ever, see each other in the flesh. LDRs as they are often called can drain the parties involved and cause much stress to see flourish. They aren't impossible to have, but quite difficult to maintain for long periods of time.

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5 Ways to Reset Your "Feel Submissive" Button

Submission - it's hard work. For the 24/7 types it's an all the time thing. So what happens if you wake up one day and you don't feel like submitting?

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A Day in the Life: moonlight

moonlight shares a typical day in her life as a slave. This is part of the Day in the Life series here where you too can share your typical day with other submissives.

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Feeling Like a Failure as a Slave

I know I’m human. Since I am human, that means I’m going to make mistakes. Here are some other tips I’ve found that can help when you find yourself feeling like a failure.

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