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Content related to "7 Ways to Maintain a Long Distance D/s Relationship"


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Cyber Submission and Exploring D/s Online

Online D/s is perhaps one of the most controversial subjects in the Dominance and submission community. The stance i will take on this subject, based on online D/s relationships of my own, is that yes; it can and does work. Is it anything like real time, face-to-face Dominance and submission relationships? No, not at all. That said, it is still very real and intense for those of us in online or Long Distance Relationships (LDR), and often can and will lead to a real-time (RT) relationship.

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Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are still relationships that require a different approach to develop the same connection and intimacy. Sure, the physical contact is far less than a face to face relationship but for some people, a long distance relationship is a smart first step or only step if you are unable to explore BDSM in any other way.

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The Importance of Journaling Your Submission

There are several reasons why you would want to start up a blog or journal. They can be very personal or have every opportunity to be open with others. Perhaps you need advice or exposure to help you through your journey. The following methods can help you get your feet off the ground.

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Handling Absence in a Long Distance Relationship

The reality of long-distance relationships, or any non-live-in relationship, is that you will have to handle periods of absence. It's a painful and bitter reminder that you are not together and that your desires for each other have to go unquenched. But that doesn't mean you can't get through them with a few coping techniques.

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Fantastic Submissive Videos for Learning and Growth on Kink Academy

If you can't get out to munches in your community or conventions held around the world the next best thing is a website focused on kink education. I have nothing but praise for Kink Academy and the quality educators and topics that they cover on Kink Academy.

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Connecting With Your Dominant While They Are Away

Things you can do to feel closer to your Dominant and help fuel the connection you have when they can not be with you.

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Submitting in a Long Distance Relationship: Missing You

This article serves as a fanatic sayonara to the one aspect of my long distance relationship that I shall never miss: dealing with my partner’s absence.

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Tips for Developing Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are still relationships that require a different approach to develop the same connection and intimacy.

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Ideas for Taking Care of Your Dominant from a Distance

I'm wondering if you have any advice for how to look after your dom long distance?

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 7: Selecting a Physical Journal

How do you know what kind of journal will suit you best? Figure out what you need to have to make your journaling experience pleasant. I've done all the legwork for you.

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