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Stop Apologizing: 5 Alternative Approaches to ‘I’m Sorry’

Most people say ‘sorry’ or ‘I’m sorry’ far too often. You’re probably aware of whether this is an issue for you. If you struggle with frequent apologizing, you may need to take a different approach to find ways to express what you really mean.

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Showing 71 to 76 of 76.

What Is The Expectation of Communication in an Online D/s Relationship?

What is your view concerning the care, direction, and contact of Dominants w/their subs?

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What is the "Spirit of the Rule"

So, what is the Spirit of the Rule? It is the underlying foundation of the rule. The reason the rule exists.

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What Should You Do When Your Wants or Needs Aren't Met?

Unfortunately, there are times where needs or wants can't be filled by the person you are with.

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What You Need To Know About Using Contracts to Negotiate a Relationship

In a D/s relationship, it is not unfamiliar to also draft a contract in which to declare your intentions with each other. These are not required, of course, and some people will proclaim the invalidity of these documents to anyone who will listen. I feel that the creation of a contract has some very useful and valuable importance to a growing relationship.

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When Needs Change: How Communication Worked When My Partner Didn't Want to Be Dominant Anymore

Through open communication and the ability to listen to one another, we were able to come to a conclusion that met both of our needs.

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You're Not the Boss of Me! Empowerment Through Submission

Even though I am not currently in a D/s relationship, it’s important for me to always remember that I don’t have to submit to anyone.

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