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6 Qualities of Mindful Submission When Communicating With Our Partners

Communication is not the sexiest word a submissive can utter, but it’s one of the most necessary. Whether we like it or not, it is squarely our responsibility to communicate those needs to the dominants who care for us.

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Showing 51 to 60 of 76.

Stop Apologizing: 5 Alternative Approaches to ‘I’m Sorry’

Most people say ‘sorry’ or ‘I’m sorry’ far too often. You’re probably aware of whether this is an issue for you. If you struggle with frequent apologizing, you may need to take a different approach to find ways to express what you really mean.

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Submission in Gratitude

There is so much to be thankful for and this year, as I look back, I see the amazing abundance that comes to us in various ways, but I also find myself appreciative and grateful for the opportunity to have learned (and keep learning) about Dominance and submission.

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Talking About BDSM to Vanilla Folk: What to Say and What to Avoid

So, what do you say to the unfamiliar people about BDSM so that they get a valid glimpse into the life, but also just enough to keep them from rejecting you completely? That balancing act is what I'm going to talk about in this article.

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Talking Even When Words Are Hard: Opening the Lines of Communication With Your Dominant

Your partner cannot read your mind. If you are not practicing open communication, then they cannot know what is bothering you, even if they know you very well.

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Talking to Your Dominant: When A Desire Becomes a Need

Being in a power exchange relationship at the time was more of a want and desire than a need. The more experience I gained, the more it became a need.

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The Art of Apology

This series strives to help you strengthen your ability to recognize when apologies are necessary and how to conduct yourself when receiving or giving an apology.

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The Art of Apology: Don't Over Apologize

We tend to use sorry for a lot of different situations, but we’ve gone well past the point where our use of the word actually matches the meaning.

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The Art of Apology: How to Apologize

Once you know that you owe someone an apology, you’ve got to know how to apologize.

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The Art of Apology: Knowing When to Apologize

How do you know when you owe someone an apology? Continuing kallista's series on apologizing with knowing when an apology is necessary.

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The Art of Apology: Receiving an Apology

Saying the wrong thing after someone has apologized to you can make the person apologize feel like you’re dismissing their attempt to make things right between the pair of you.

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