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Here are tips and strategies for clear, honest, and respectful communication, helping you navigate the highs and challenges of effective dialogue in your D/s relationships.

How do I have a difficult conversation with my partner about my needs?

Full Question: [Trimmed for brevity.] I’m dating a guy who is my potential Dom. He doesn’t DO much of what he talks about. It feels like he’s becoming my kind-of-kinky boyfriend. That’s not what I want. We’ve talked about what I’m seeking & what he wants. In talks, it seems like a perfect match, but

How do I have a difficult conversation with my partner about my needs? Read More »

How do I ask my Dominant for what I want without sounding demanding?

Full Question: How do I ask my Dominant for what I want without sounding demanding? Answer:  First, communication is the only way your Dominant will know anything about what you want and need, so talking about those things is important to the health of your relationship and your submissive journey. Healthy communication styles require practice

How do I ask my Dominant for what I want without sounding demanding? Read More »

Would you go ahead and do the punishment for something you do not feel you deserve… just because he is your Dom and his word goes?

Full Question: How do you tell your Dominant he is wrong and still be respectful? Would you go ahead and do the punishment for something you do not feel you deserve… just because he is your Dom and his word goes? Answer:  The question here really isn’t about how to tell your Dominant they are

Would you go ahead and do the punishment for something you do not feel you deserve… just because he is your Dom and his word goes? Read More »

How do you remind your Dom of things they agreed to while remaining submissive?

Full Question: If your Dom forgets to do things we have agreed on beforehand, how do you remind them without feeling like you are directing the scene and therefore feeling less submissive? Answer:  I understand that when you have to raise a concern during play it could leave you feeling less submissive, but there is

How do you remind your Dom of things they agreed to while remaining submissive? Read More »

When and how do you negotiate?

Full Question: When and how do you negotiate with your partner?  I want him to be happy, and I’m willing to make compromises; I just want to balance sticking to my own values. Answer: I think we all want our partners to be happy without sacrificing our own values and needs. Negotiating happens at the

When and how do you negotiate? Read More »

6 Qualities of Mindful Submission When Communicating With Our Partners

Communication is not the sexiest word a submissive can utter, but it’s one of the most necessary. An issue I hear brought up quite commonly is that it just doesn’t “feel submissive” to be talking about needs with a dominant. Still, there comes a time in every relationship when it feels like the relationship is

6 Qualities of Mindful Submission When Communicating With Our Partners Read More »

Breaking the Apology Habit: Alternatives to Overusing ‘I’m Sorry’

I was raised to say “please,” “thank you,” and apologize if I did something wrong. This politeness is ingrained in us as children. Being polite serves as a way to express empathy and respect for others. However, the phrase “I’m sorry,” has become a reflex rather than a meaningful expression. Many of us use it

Breaking the Apology Habit: Alternatives to Overusing ‘I’m Sorry’ Read More »

The Art of Apology: Receiving an apology when you don’t think one is necessary

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series The Art of Apology

Maybe you know a frequent apologizer, or maybe you’ve been surprised, but at some point in your life, you’ve probably had someone tell you, “Hey, I’m sorry!” and your immediate response was, “What on earth are you apologizing for?” If you’re like me, and you completely lack a brain-to-mouth filter, your reaction probably came tumbling

The Art of Apology: Receiving an apology when you don’t think one is necessary Read More »

The Art of Apology: Receiving an Apology

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series The Art of Apology

Just as it’s important to know how to apologize, it’s important to know how to receive one.  Saying the wrong thing after someone has apologized to you can make the person apologize feel like you’re dismissing their attempt to make things right between the pair of you. Make this mistake often enough, and you’re creating

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The Art of Apology: Don’t Over Apologize

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series The Art of Apology

Apologizing is great, of course, but there is such a thing as apologizing too often. I had a biology teacher in high school who wouldn’t accept when his students said, “Sorry,” for mundane transgressions. “Don’t say sorry all the time,” he’d say, “or people are going to start thinking that you’re a sorry individual.” We

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The Art of Apology: The Importance of Apologizing

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series The Art of Apology

We all know that communicating well with our partners is one of the most important (and often hardest) aspects of keeping a relationship healthy. It’s something that’s talked about a lot in the BDSM community when we talk about meeting our wants and needs, as well as in the vanilla community where we address building

The Art of Apology: The Importance of Apologizing Read More »

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