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22 Deal Breakers that May Be Preventing A Dominant from Approaching You

I realized that I had often heard those complaints/observations-and from people who truly seemed like they would be a great catch. Then I started to think more about it and wondered if they (like all of us) had displayed behaviors that others would declare to be a “deal breaker.”

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How a Submissive Can Have Two Dominants and Make It Work (Hint: It Takes Communication)

Having 2 dominants has worked out very smoothly for the three of us actually.

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Is It Submission If You Like What You're Doing?

Over on, kaya asked about submission and what qualifies it as submission. She asked, "if you are not expected to do things that you don't like, can it be submission?" Can activities that you would do normally become submission just by someone telling you to do them, or being directed to perform them?

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"Being Loved" versus "Being In Love"

For me, and maybe for you if you've already discovered SubmissiveGuide, that way is "Being Love" versus "Being In Love" -- and expressing that love in a D/s relationship with no desire or expectation of ever being "in love" with my dom.

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You Are What You Read: What Got You Into BDSM and D/s?

Some people think it is to do with their nature from birth, others think it is how they are nurtured and what they experience in life. I think perhaps I am somewhere between the middle in my belief on that issue.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 4 - Itching to Switch

Do you switch into a dominant role at any time?

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November's Special Series - lunaKM's 30 Days of Submission

Every day throughout the month of November there will be a new post from me answering the questions posed in the 30 Days of Submission meme that I've seen going around.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 25 - Rituals of Submission

Are there items, objects or rituals that represent or help you express submission?

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Power Exchange While in Addiction Recovery

The holiday season is hard. So hard sometimes.

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Understanding the Reason Behind, "Am I The Only One?" and How to Respond (With a Bit of Netiquette Rules)

The underlying response to this question is simple, but the reason the person asked it is because it doesn't feel simple to them. Give the person compassion, not snark.

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