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The Ritual of Dominance & Submission: A Guide to High Protocol Dominance & Submission

If you are interested in protocol and want to read about high protocol and what it might look like in your dynamic I suggest you give this book a try.

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Learn How to Nourish Yourself, Your Relationship and Your Submission

Like anything else, one has to learn to go with the flow and take the highs with the lows. I hope that any beginners, and even those who are well experienced will continue the sometimes rocky journey despite the aspects of the lifestyle that can destroy and fully embrace the aspects of the lifestyle that can nourish it.

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Using Ritual to Maintain and Define Power Exchange

No matter how you view your life, rituals can help define the power structures we choose for our relationships. Rituals can enrich power exchange by giving reinforcement, regularity, and depth to relationships in a unique and beautiful way.

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What A Submissive Should Bring to Play Sessions

With the wide range or play activities and tools needed for them, you can be sure that you will have at least one full bag of items. Yes submissives, you need to have your own play bag also. I can hear it now though. Dominants use the toys, why do I need to have some? Well here's the scoop. A lot of the toys used on us are not easy or impossible to clean from person to person. These toys should be one person only. In those cases, you definitely should respect your Dominant by bringing your own.

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Do You Answer When Submission Calls You?

When you step foot into submission, don't make it a passive affair. Engage your senses into your new life. Take charge of how you want your submission to grow and develop. Enhance your life with the talents you have, and try hard to use all of the passion and pleasure you can muster to not only make your Dominant happy, but yourself. Find that fulfillment.

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Up in Flames: The Basics of Fireplay

There is a wide variety of activities you can learn that are part of Fire Play, but first, make sure you understand the risks. Fire is dangerous. We learned that as children. Know what you are doing before you start applying it to your skin as a part of BDSM play. Once you know, check out all the things you can do with it!

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Recapturing Common Sense

All novice submissives have a moment where a lapse in judgment can happen. No one is impervious to the lures of desire and dark needs. When offered a chance to experiment or explore our new-found desires we overlook that most important instinct - our gut instinct.

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A Submissive’s New Year’s Resolutions: Reviewing and Updating your Checklist

The checklist is a great tool to track the progression of your submission. Have you revisited your checklist lately?

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Help! I Can't Wear My Collar at Work

What do I do if I can't wear my collar at work?

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The Thrill of Knife Play

Knife play runs the edge of what could be construed as safe because, well, knives. The most important thing to know about knife play is that while it is a powerfully sexy tool, it is best used in the hands of an experienced person with an experienced couple.

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