The essays and original writings in this book expand more on SlaveMaster’s and slave 7’s beliefs of being a Born Slave as well as topics of authenticity, the ego of the slave, freedom in slavery as well as several more topics that would take too long for me to name. Each topic offers viewpoints from SlaveMaster and slave 7, which makes this a great book to be read no matter what side of the slash you find yourself on.
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Read The Review | Find SimilarThe best I can hope for each day, every day is to serve Him faithfully and to the best of my abilities and to love Him unconditionally. I don't lose sight of my place with Him, and we manage a 24/7 lifestyle just fine.
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Read The Article | Find Similardanae of put together free downloadable and printable Fall cleaning lists
Read The Article | Find SimilarThe thing for me which is so very wonderful about polishing Master’s shoes is that it is something that I can do on my own to show Master how much I am thinking about him. My focus is always on what I can do in order to make Master’s life better.
Read The Article | Find SimilarTruthfully, I wanted to put this activity on my “hell no” list, but because he’s very persuasive, and because I could not find any solid reasons why I didn’t want to do it, I sought out information so that I could educate myself about it.
Read The Article | Find Similarmoonlight shares a typical day in her life as a slave. This is part of the Day in the Life series here where you too can share your typical day with other submissives.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.
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