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Communicating While Submissive

Doms keep telling us that they’re not mind-readers, so we have to communicate. But it’s hard! Especially when it’s something they might not want to hear.

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The Ethical Slut

If you are looking into open relationship styles or like me, opening your existing relationship then this book could be a stepping stone into understanding everything that goes on in your head, the feelings and how to deal with multiple people in your life.

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How Rules In a D/s Relationship Can Have a Positive Effect on Your Submission

Rules, instructions and assignments are things that are given to me by my Dominant for very important reasons. To follow them should bring me the pride and happiness that I feel for him, and remind me that he cares for me. Rules are in place to keep me in line, place my heart and mind in the submissive mindset, and to make sure that I hold myself in his honor.

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Your Right to Choose-Feminism and the Lifestyle

I know that being a feminist means different things to different people. To me, feminism has always been about having the right to choose to lead the kind of life that I want to.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 18 - Communicating Needs and Wants

How does communication factor into your submission and how do you communicate your desires and needs?

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The Top 3 Books I Recommend to Everyone New to BDSM

I've taken some of the guesswork out of it for you by providing you the top 3 books I recommend to everyone new to BDSM. The only thing you have to do is figure out which one you want to buy first!

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A Day in the Life of Tequila Rose

A snapshot of the daily life of tequilarose. This is part of an ongoing series of posts where you too can share a typical day in your submissive life with the rest of us!

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Dominant Is Asking for More Time than I Can Give

I hate lying to him but I don't feel like I had a choice. I don't know what to do.

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Strong and Submissive: Exploring the Phenomenon of Strong Female Submissives

About half of us are like me - powerful energetic women who love to submit. I become even more of the strong woman that I am outside the bedroom, the strong woman who revels both in her strength and in her submission.

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Meeting Someone Face to Face Is an Important Early Step in Online Dating

When looking for that compatible partner to spend your life with, determining face to face if they are attractive, how well you get along and many other factors is an important early step; even if you plan to continue discussions online after meeting.

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