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It’s the Little Things: Building Small Unique Moments In Your Relationship Will Nurture Your Mono-Poly Relationships

Uniqueness is underrated. Everyone wants to be like everyone else, are comparing themselves to others in order to fit in, but it's the fun little unique aspects of a relationship that make it special. Kindling those unique things is especially important for me in a mono-poly and likely most other relationships.

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Topping from the Bottom

Topping from the bottom is a misunderstood term in BDSM, especially if you are a novice. Topping from the bottom is when you simultaneously adopt both roles. This could be in the form of giving commands, refusing requests or moving to control the location of impacts during play. Generally, it is frowned upon to try to force the Dominant’s hand to do something they do not wish to do.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 12: Learn How to Stop Fidgeting Through Meditation and Focus

Today I'd like to talk about the bane of many a submissive; fidgeting. Sitting still is really hard for me in many situations. Either nerves or discomfort will cause you to twitch and move when all you want to do is not move. So how do you learn how to cut down your fidgeting?

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Dominance as a Slave Training Tool for Better Submission

Your Dominant is still a valuable tool for slave training and we can use them as a tool for our own development. Take the rules and orders they give us, how do they mold us if we are also seeking a deeper level of submission.

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Why Safety is Preached to Novices and Why It's Important to Know Anyway

I believe that as you mature in your place in BDSM the often preached safety items can become obsolete or you may develop your own opinions that don't match what you were taught as a novice. There's nothing wrong with that, but knowing where you started and the importance of knowing these basic safety rules is that foundation.

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Common Pervertables Around the Home You Can Use for BDSM Play

Pervertables are everyday common items that can be used for kinky purposes. Starting to build your toybox can be as simple as rummaging through your kitchen or closet. Here are some ideas for your own toybox.

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Submissive Advent Calendar

Starting Saturday December 1st, Submissive Guide will post one Advent Activity every day until Christmas. The activities will vary but will have quotes, questions, short tasks and crafts to help you focus more on your submissive self this holiday season.

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Why You Should Know the Truth About Topping from the Bottom

Ask one hundred submissives why they consider topping from the bottom as bad and they will likely come up with something relating to "forcing the Dominant's hand." They'd be right. The real, honest to goodness, truth is that forcing the Dominant's hand is the only way you can bottom-top. How you do that is situational, different for different people or different reasons and you really can't list the exact ways that it comes about.

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Connecting With Your Dominant While They Are Away

Things you can do to feel closer to your Dominant and help fuel the connection you have when they can not be with you.

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Micromanagement and Macromanagement: What's the Difference?

Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to both types of management styles and I want to share some of those with you now.

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