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Are You Ready for More Solo-Coaching? Check Out Where Your Journey Will Progress Next!

We’re going to take those goals and making them work for us! I hope you’re ready because this series is going to light a fire under your stagnant goals, breathe life into you with motivation and remind you of your reasons for a change.

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How To Get the Spanking You Want

Overall, I think it's a decent book for someone who needs a way to share their spanking secret with their partner in hopes of finding a spanking partner in them. If you would like help talking to your partner about your spanking interests, get this book.

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Have a BDSM Community Spirit You Can Be Proud Of

If you are like me, you give back. I have always believed that we should support those who support us; that we should support our passions.

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Discretion in the BDSM Community - Anonymity and Personal Privacy Concerns

How safe are BDSM groups for people in high profile careers and the risk of being exposed? It's a valid concern for anyone that seeks outside support and knowledge so I thought I'd share with you what I had to say to this person.

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Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner: Part 3- My Partner is Interested!

Your partner has reacted to the revelation of your BDSM desires in a positive way or at least is willing to participate. Congratulations! This is a huge first step.

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How Do You Deal With Discomfort Being a Plus Sized Submissive?

The idea of spending a lot of time naked and exposed terrifies me, especially if a lot of crawling is involved, which I think he will ask me. How do you deal with your discomfort over your body with your partner? Part of me says to just trust him to take the lead on this matter, but I’m not sure.

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Single in the Scene Part V: The Truth about Singlehood

There’s a downright ugly side to it, especially when the slave has been ‘alone’ for a long period of time. That has been my situation. Whew… Breathe with me, for I’m about to share some things that people either don’t think really happens or are afraid to admit to happening …

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Little Does Not Equal Irresponsible

The reason why people outside the AB/DL and little lifestyle tend to think littles are irresponsible is because they assume since we enjoy childlike things, then obviously we are like children in all aspects, and this includes being irresponsible.

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Submitting in a Long Distance Relationship: Missing You

This article serves as a fanatic sayonara to the one aspect of my long distance relationship that I shall never miss: dealing with my partner’s absence.

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9 Books on BDSM and D/s I've Read More Than Once (They're THAT Good!)

You have to admit that the books that resonate with you the most, are ones you've read more than once. Here's my list of 9 of the best BDSM and D/s related books that I've pulled off the shelf time and time again.

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