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Setting Goals

No matter how you go about it, setting realistic goals and then working towards success is a step by step process. You have the tools available to make changes in your life if you want them. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Treat them like anything else in your life worth doing and you can make it. Use the resources below to make the progress stick.

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Enough to Make You Blush: Exploring Erotic Humiliation by Princess Kali

Enough to Make You Blush by Princess Kali is great for beginners and experienced players in humiliation and it covers so many different forms of humiliation; many I wasn't even aware of. Erotic humiliation finally has a resource guide that every kinky person will want to own!

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Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino

If you are in an open relationship of any kind or are thinking about entering into an open relationship or thinking about opening up your current relationship, you need to read this book.

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How To Tell A Dominant That You Are Not Interested In Them

Okay so some of you are thinking, why would you bother with courtesies when the messages you received didn't have any? I'm going to tell you that you need to be the better person. You need to treat them as you wish to be treated even if they don't reciprocate. Let me be clear. I'm hoping you'll learn to be a positive influence in your own life and have as few regrets as possible. Treating someone poorly when a little sugar does the same thing is not a very decent thing to do and not something a prospective or current partner would want.

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What to Do When You Are Haunted by Past Relationships

It is okay to miss someone you loved. It is okay to reflect upon the relationship. The trouble lies when it becomes an obsession.

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Book Review: Ageplay: From Diapers to Diplomas

The emotional connection, power dynamics, types of both littles and caregivers, stigmas that we have to deal with from people who don’t understand the dynamic, and educational resources such as a negotiation form, glossary, and a sample contract

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DIY Your Valentine's Day

There’s no reason to spend a lot of money on a Valentine’s Day gift. In my opinion, it’s so much better to get something that’s been handmade and comes from the heart. Here are some ideas that I’ve seen and absolutely love.

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BDSM and Kids: Can You Be a Parent and a Kinkster?

Yes, you can be a parent and a kinkster at the same time. Let’s debunk some of the things people believe about why you can’t be both.

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Submission Isn't Easy-Nor for Your Convenience

How hard is it to do something that your dominant, the one person you love and trust completely, has asked that you don’t want to do? Tequilarose shares her thoughts on the sometimes struggle to submit.

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