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What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship?

Mistress Steel takes aim at emotional abuse in BDSM relationships with a thorough definition and discussion about what it looks like and the impact it can have in a power exchange relationship. This article is a jumping off point and is meant to help you learn what is and isn’t abuse. If you feel you are being abused and need help, please contact your local partner abuse hotline.

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Purging Your Emotional Garbage Can Will Prepare You Better for Service

I'm sure we've all heard that this or that person comes with too much baggage. The reason I see that this is an issue at all in new relationships is due to the way it's handled. That baggage, whether it be debt, past partners still present somehow, grief, emotional issues or any other items that are brought in can weigh hard on the responsibilities of the new partner and how they interact with each other. Now, couple that with this unreal belief that a Dominant will 'fix' all that for the submissive and you are dealing with an explosive situation.

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Virgins Can Love BDSM Too: How Sexual Preference Doesn't Have to Involve Sex

I'm here to say that you can be interested in BDSM even if you've never done it yet. That's because I believe that just like your sexual preference to be with guys or girls is born not bred, your sexual predilection to BDSM activities is part of who you are.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 7: Polite Interruptions

In everyone's daily exchanges with people there comes a time we will need to interrupt another person or persons to pass on information. For a polite and graceful submissive you should endeavor to not interrupt someone needlessly but to find an appropriate time to step into their presence.

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Single in the Scene Part V: The Truth about Singlehood

There’s a downright ugly side to it, especially when the slave has been ‘alone’ for a long period of time. That has been my situation. Whew… Breathe with me, for I’m about to share some things that people either don’t think really happens or are afraid to admit to happening …

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30 Days to Submission: Day 5 - Counting and Comparing Relationships

Have you been or are you in a dominant/submissive dynamic relationship or is this new to you?

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30 Days of Submission: Day 18 - Communicating Needs and Wants

How does communication factor into your submission and how do you communicate your desires and needs?

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Feeling Unfulfilled: Do My Sexual Needs Not Matter in a D/s Relationship?

I find myself resentful that, mostly, sex involves his orgasms and not mine. Do I need to accept that my pleasure is not a consideration in our relationship?

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Even in Lessons There Are More Lessons: How Being Punished Has More To Teach Than You Realize

It's not just about the lesson that the Dominant is trying to teach you, but for yourself; how to repair faith in yourself and your chosen submission, how to lift the guilt and how to humbly move on in apology, progress, and recovery.

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BDSM Isn't Just About Power Exchange

There is more than power exchange involved in BDSM. Here's a short reminder that there is far more to the term that you might realize.

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