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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 1: Learning to Kneel

Do you kneel in front of your Dominant partner at any point of your service? Is there a specific way to do that?

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You Are Not Going To Hell: My Personal Thoughts on Balancing Christianity and Kink

My sexual and carnal desires were given to me by God. I'm kinky because that is the way I was made. No evil influences turned me to the dark ways.

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How to Write a Submissive Life Mission Statement

A life mission statement is a way of saying, "these are my goals and code of conduct for how I want to live my life." There is no wrong or right way to write one but there are several steps that can bring you to a workable statement that will help give you focus and direction to your life.

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Setting Realistic Goals to Realize Your Dreams

Every goal we want to set requires three things to have a chance at working. We need the right time in our lives, planning and follow through. Lack just one of these things and we will not reach those dreams of ours.

So, you may be wondering why I'm covering this topic on a submissive newsletter. Every day I set goals for myself; be more obedient, remember to reply to requests and commands appropriately, research a certain topic to better understand it, practice my stretching so that I can be more flexible, etc. All of these things are to improve my submission. Hopefully you are setting small goals for yourself too. At the end of this essay, I'd like to challenge you to set a few goals for yourself and your submission. Let's see some wonderful changes in you!

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Establishing a Safe, Trusting Environment for Talk

Let's cover what a safe environment looks like from the people present at the physical location you choose to talk in. A good environment takes planning and mutual agreements to work the way it's supposed to. And you thought that you just had to say, "We need to talk," right?

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First Aid for Bruises, Abrasions and Other After Play Marks

Caring for them is part of the aftercare we have set up for me. We are pretty minimal when it comes to first aid for them because I like to keep them as long as possible. But not everyone is like that. First Aid is important in the immediate aftercare of play.

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Letting Go of the Bank Account - Submitting to Financial Control

Personally, I am not a very organized person and on top of that I'm lousy with numbers, always was, even in elementary school. If my check book was ever going to be balanced accordingly, someone else was just going to have to do it! Fortunately for my check book and I, my Dominant is better organized and more patient with a calculator, and even more fortunate for us he's very good at it.

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Note To Self: Selfish Pride Comes Before A Fall

Pride is a slippery emotion that I believe many a slave deal with, even if we don’t recognize it

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The Punishment Place: Dealing with Punishment as a Slave

Accepting that my behavior is a direct reflection on Him, that my thoughts and actions need first to be scrutinized, on my own, for what I know He expects of me. I will fail again, I'm sure. And I will be back in that place.

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Advice On How To Recover From a Breakup

Since this is my first D/S relationship, what can I do to feel better about the raw unraveling and abandonment of feeling so alone?

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