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Active Submission - Make Yourself Available to Your Dominant

By taking on an active role in our submission, we not only have more opportunities to be submissive, but we build a dynamic that provides an open exchange of power. Even though as submissives, we permit them to have authority over us, that isn't enough. We're missing a key point here. D/s is an exchange.

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Is It Submission If You Like What You're Doing?

Over on, kaya asked about submission and what qualifies it as submission. She asked, "if you are not expected to do things that you don't like, can it be submission?" Can activities that you would do normally become submission just by someone telling you to do them, or being directed to perform them?

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5 Types of Power Exchange Relationships

We can however, put every relationship into 5 different relationship types. I'm sure there are more, but for the purpose of this essay, I will be covering the 5 types that I can see in this life. This is not the only way to look at and describe relationships, but it is a good beginning. I am not a relationship expert and what I am writing about is my own observations. If you feel that another definition fits your idea of each relationship type, then by all means, please use your own.

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Kink and Mental Health: Temporary Relief

I won't pretend kink's a magic cure-all, and I sure as hell won't suggest it's a cure for OCD, but it does help mine when it comes to M.

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Why I Could Never Return to a Vanilla Relationship

We are the sum of our experiences, after all, and if I hadn't learned these lessons I don’t think I’d be where I am today.

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A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs

The transition to 24/7 D/s turned out to be much more challenging for us.

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The 5 Levels of Sub Space In and Out of Playtime

Every single submissive who has experienced sub space describes it differently and you too can expect to feel something different if you ever reach that sensory high.

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Play with Chronic Illness, What Resources Are There?

I know the difference between good pain and bad pain, so is there a way we can restart our B-D relationship or would it be unwise to do so?

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 8: Breaking In a Physical Journal

There's nothing more scary and exciting to notebook lovers than cracking open a brand new bound notebook to break it in. There's a little-known tip for thread-bound books and what you may want to do to break in your notebook.

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