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Content related to "Things That Hinder You Getting to Know People At a Munch and How to Overcome Them"


Showing 691 to 700 of 1486.

A Submissive's Prime Directive: Take Care of the Property

I'm ready to make a change. I'm going to take care of the property.

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We’re So Much More than “Just Littles”

There are a lot of people in the lifestyle who don’t know how to understand, let alone handle littles. It’s frustrating to be pigeonholed as only one thing or another. Littles are so much more than the personae they adopt for play or in their relationships. The embrace the innocence of youth. Listen to one’s personal thoughts on the matter.

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The Importance of Consent in D/s Negotiation

Consent and Negotiation are probably something that we think about but don’t really acknowledge daily. It is important none the less to think about and address in a Dominant/submissive relationship.

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After "Red" : How to Manage the Aftermath When You've Used Your Safeword

You should never fear using your safeword. There are ways to deal with the guilt, disappointment, fear, sense of failure for using your safeword and the failing to use your safeword at all that many of us feel at one time or another.

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Solo Coaching - Schedule Meetings With Yourself

We are going to work on developing quality time for the most important person in your life, you. Once it's written in your schedule it gives it greater importance.

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How to Write a BDSM Scene Report

The point of a scene report requested is to help you analyze your responses and emotions surrounding the play. So let's figure out how to write a useful scene report.

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The Day I Stopped Rejecting Compliments and Learned to Love Myself

How can someone accept their body and learn to love the way their partner looks at them, touches them and takes pleasure in their nudity? I learned to accept compliments.

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But I Don't Like Pain! Learning to See the Eroticism in Pain as Pleasure

I can show you that pain is indeed something erotic when used correctly and in the right situations. Pain doesn't have to be painful, and other stimuli can be pleasurable and can either mask pain or enhance it.

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Online Submissive Without Any Direction

With many online relationships, directions are not as clear since you don't get any nonverbal cues to a conversation as you would in a face to face relationship. I'm going to try to cover your concerns as best as I can.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 10: Ways to Personalize Your Physical Journal

Physical journals allow you to open up your creativity and arts and crafts. Here are some ideas you can use to add personality to your notebook.

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