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A Submissive's Collection of Domestic Service Resources

Quite an extensive list of Domestic Service resources and links for any submissive looking to enhance that part of their service. Links from this site, the internet, FetLife and more.

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Limits are personal boundaries that everyone places for how far they are willing to take things. These limits can be sexual, personal, emotional or otherwise. You may even have some for your every day that you don’t realize are limits. If you don’t have any BDSM experience, the idea of setting up limits can be challenging. Let’s dive into what they are, how to figure them out and why you make sure they are respected.

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30 Days of Submission

Every day throughout the month of November 2013 there was a new post from me answering the questions posed in the 30 Days of Submission meme that I’d seen going around. You gain a glimpse into who I am as a submissive and my relationship with KnyghtMare.

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Nurtured or Natural: The Connection Between Submission and Childhood Abuse

Is the desire to be submissive natural or is it part of the way you were brought up? Especially when there was abuse involved. Those internal radars go off and want to blame the abuse for how you live your life now. I can’t say that I have the global answer, but I do have my answer. That seems good enough for me.

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A Switch of the D/s Lifestyle

When I was finally more aware of the community, there was a lot of negative attitudes toward switches. It was thought they had no clear idea about if they wanted to be, submissive or dominant. And “Why can’t they make up their mind?” sort of an attitude.

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Domestic or Dreadful; Your Journey to Domestic Satisfaction

Cleaning is a task most dread, but it can be made quick and effective. With a few simple tips you can boast your domestic prowess and please your Master with a well manicured home.

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Let's Be Selfish - Recharging The Submissive Battery

We spend so much time and energy making sure our Sir's and Mistress' are happy that sometimes we forget to attend to the most important part of us: ourselves.

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Fun Things from February's Little Chat

Specifically for this chat, I created a couple of documents to share and because I think they’re awesome(I may be a little biased here), I wanted to share them with everyone else who didn’t get the chance to attend the chat.

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How Do I Know If Submission Is Right For Me?

Most people will say that their kinky interest always started with turn-ons.

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A Lesson on The Importance of Online Safety from Kitty Thomas' "Tender Mercies"

There are a lot of risks that comes with meeting people online. Tequilarose shares a lesson she picked up from reading "Tender Mercies" by Kitty Thomas about online safety and abusive situations.

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