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5 Ways to Resolve Conflict in a D/s Relationship

Resolving conflicts in relationships is a very valuable life skill to develop. You need to learn to work on the problem and strive to come up with solutions that meet the needs of the relationship together.

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Submission By Choice: Learned Submission

It’s not an easy task to draw out the submissive nature within you if it isn’t already present in all you do. If you are like me, you struggle and rebel at the slightest challenge in character or task that you just ‘don’t feel like doing’. The goal is to submit anyway and to feel that the importance of your life is the imprint of your service on another.

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Learning Good Observation Skills for Better Submissive Awareness

One of the best skills a submissive can learn is observation. Observation is also something that can go neglected in your everyday and work life so that learning it requires you to reteach your mind, eyes, focus and attention. It's so worth it.

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Darling Discovered by Mrs. Darling

Our very own Mrs. Darling has written her story of discovery, Darling Discovered, and I give it a review!

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Exploring Submission Online: The Very Real Truths Behind the Keyboard

Exploring submission online is a growing reality. Chat networks, IRC chat rooms and websites developed for real-time fantasy all have areas where the D/s subculture thrives online. They have developed online protocols, rituals, belief systems and several new words the enhance the fantasy online.

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Coming Clean: Admitting Your Disobedience

We all have those little voices in our head that tell us what to do. Sometimes it tries to convince us that our disobedience is okay. The voices are very convincing at times and then we have guilt riding with us until we come clean.

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The Importance of Taking Your Time Exploring Submission Before Starting a Relationship

At one time or another we all tend to rashly jump into a D/s relationship without really knowing the Dominant that we are surrendering to.

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How to Use the "30 Days" Memes Effectively to Maximize Submissive Growth

What if I were to tell you that you could learn a lot more about yourself by asking one simple question after you answer these? Sure it means more work, but the thoughts and understanding that you could gain from playing a game or meme to the fullest could have some personal benefit. And who wouldn't want to expand and grow in submission?

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How to Tell If You Are With a Dominant or Just a Bossy Dick

I've spent some time trying to muster up a list of identifying features of Dominants and Jerks just to see what I can come up with. Hopefully, they can help you identify why you may be miserable with the partner you are currently with.

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Thinking About Financial Dependency in Your D/s Dynamic?

If you’re currently thinking about becoming financially dependent on your Dom, kallista shares her thoughts on the subject and how it can impact more than your relationship. Learn the risks.

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