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Showing 261 to 270 of 1479.

The Submissive Advent Calendar

The Advent is the time in anticipation for Christmas and is celebrated in some religious circles, but also carries a secular following. Advent translated means “the coming.” I’m sure everyone has seen the cardboard calendars with little doors and chocolate inside; to be opened one a day until Christmas Day.

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How You Can Help Your Partner Become More Dominant

I've always been the strongest one in my relationships. He isn't weak, but very calm and he has always set me "free"...too much, if I have to say the truth. I hope it makes sense...he's understanding, we are talking about it a lot...but I need some extra advice. I don't want to confuse him even more...

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The 6 Most Common STDs

Everytime we talk about sex and sexually related activities such as many of the BDSM and kinky play we do it's important, if not imperative, that we are safe and aware of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and infections you can get. You should have tests for STDs regularly if you choose to have multiple partners, or if you are changing partners. Maintaining a clean bill of sexual health will provide yourself and your partner(s) with reassurance and safety. Even though you may be disease free does not mean you shouldn't practice safe sex. If you need a refresher, check the previous post on safer kinky sex practices.

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Why You Should Know the Truth About Topping from the Bottom

Ask one hundred submissives why they consider topping from the bottom as bad and they will likely come up with something relating to "forcing the Dominant's hand." They'd be right. The real, honest to goodness, truth is that forcing the Dominant's hand is the only way you can bottom-top. How you do that is situational, different for different people or different reasons and you really can't list the exact ways that it comes about.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 3 - Testosterone

Peel back the reasons behind being obstinate and competitive and generally you end up with a whole lot of testosterone.

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Be Not Ashamed - Accepting Who You Are and Where You Came From

What I wish for you, dear reader, is that you accept yourself for who you are really. Embrace it with boldness and move forward in your life with that new freedom.

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What is a Leather Family?

What does "in a leather family" mean? What is Leather? I know where it started, but what does it mean in today's BDSM society?

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[Freebie] Behind Closed Doors: BDSM with Kids in the Home

This month's free report is a compilation of essays from Submissive Guide about parenting and BDSM, children in the home and navigating quiet play and so many other concerns about being parents and also in a D/s relationship.

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The Role Sex Plays in a D/s Relationship

Sex and how we've learned about sex can form our own opinions about how sexual D/s forms in our lives and how we respond to it. The emphasis of sex in a D/s relationship comes about in a variety of forms and is only limited by your imagination. What role does it play in your relationship?

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That Don't Impress Me Much: Why You Should Not Withhold Your Safeword

If you don't use your safeword, you could be in for more than just an overly sore backside. A safeword is your lifeline and your partner trusts you to use it if you need to. TR shares a personal story where playing with no safewords went wrong.

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