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Showing 161 to 170 of 1458.

Review of The Path of the Submissive Partner Virtual Course

When Chris M. Lyon, a relationship consultant, and D/s expert, approached me with news of a virtual course, “The Path of the Submissive Partner,” made specifically for the submissive partner, I was intrigued to know what she had created. I had high hopes for the information presented and the solutions to the challenges we have in taking the submissive path. She didn’t let me down.

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Journaling in Submission

One of the tools that Dominants can use for communication is journaling. But you don’t have to be in a relationship to keep a journal. How do you start one? What goes in it? Dive into the 30 Days of Submissive Journaling series or one of the many other articles about this very useful tool in a submissive’s kit.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 10: Displaying Obedience and Worship Positions

You may also be asked to show your obedience to your Dominant in a position of humble service. One of the ways you can do this is with a pose of worship. I'm going to describe two basic ways you can show your obedience and worship. Please feel free to try your own; as with all of the positions expressed here, they are customizable and definitely personal to each relationship.

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Carte Blanche - Repeating Misbehavior Patterns

I'm going to talk about a submissive's mindset when it comes to repeat patterns in behavior and why we just can't keep our feet on the straight and narrow.

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Orgasm Control: The Master's Gift of Orgasm

Ever since I explored orgasm control, I have looked at orgasms in a whole new light.

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A Day in the Life: fuzzyP

This is a guest post by fuzzyP for the Day in the Life Series.

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Never Say Never: Overcoming Hard Limits

When absolute trust is present, and the dominant is interested and experienced in helping to overcome fears and phobias, working through hard limits can be very empowering.

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Nobody's Perfect-Including Your Dominant!

It’s really easy for those of us who are S-types to think that our D-types are perfect. And that is the furthest thing from the truth.

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How I Help Our Finances Without Knowing the Numbers

I don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.

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Sample Master/slave contract - Basic

A great basic contract example to use for your own D/s relationships. Copy it completely or use it to customize for your own personal relationship (preferred).

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