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The Challenge of Learning Anticipatory Service: Making Mistakes

At the furthest reaches of proactive service resides “anticipatory service.” There are many challenges faced by servants who aspire towards successful anticipatory service.

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How To Perform a Self-Assessment Before You Search For a Dominant Partner

It's good to start forming an idea of who you are and what you are looking for before you start searching for a Dominant

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The Safety Disguise of Safewords: Safewords Are Not Always Safe

It's not my intention to scare you or convince you that you shouldn't have a safeword. but don't ever expect your safeword to protect you. You can not have safewords without trust.

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Using Your Fear for Better Submissive Growth

Just because we have fears doesn't mean we have to let the fears dictate our actions or responses. This means we need to be vigilant with our emotions. By this I don't mean controlling them, it is important to feel negative emotions as well as positive ones, we don't want to repress our negative emotions but rather be aware of them and how they can affect us.

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How To Overcome The Outside Forces That Stress Us

You will find these annoyances everywhere; anything outside of the relationship that causes undue tension within a pairing, they can be vanilla or lifestyle, major or minor issues, overt or subtle.

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Just How Much Trust do YOU Have?

Trust is a big factor in all relationships. I would even go as far to say that trust is an even bigger factor in D/s and M/s relationships than most others, but I could be wrong. How do you know when you really trust someone?

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Male Submission - Fantasy vs Reality

Many submissive men have fantasies which have been developed over many years, sometimes leading to a focus on extreme and/or specific situations despite not having experienced anything. This may lead to misunderstandings with potential partners between fantasies and actual desires as the sub man may not even be able to recognize the difference at first.

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What Happens After You Use Your Safeword?

Certain things are expected to happen when you have said your safeword, what are they?

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In a New Relationship and Self Conscious About My Body

Here are a few tips for moving from sweating over this prospect to looking forward to sharing your body with a new partner.

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