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Content related to "Are D/s Relationships Better than Vanilla Ones?"


Showing 161 to 170 of 1466.

What Do Female Dominants Desire in a Male Submissive?

Do dominant women like this, that or the other thing? Unfortunately, there is no one set of ideal submissive traits that can be emulated. Indeed, if you ask these questions of twenty different Dominas, you’ll get at least twenty different answers. Each Dominant has her own idea of what makes a perfect submissive or slave. Some like youth and physical fitness, others like maturity and experience, tall or short, eloquent or not-so-much, pain slut or light-weight, sissy or not, emotive or the strong/silent type… well, as you can imagine, that list goes on and on. The problem, as I see it, is that too many (prospective) submissives get bogged down in trivial matters when they should be focusing on simple truth and sincerity.

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Readers' View on Polyamory

I'd like to share what you said in the comments. Please feel free to continue the conversation. I'd love to hear what else you have to say about Polyamorous relationships.

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First Meetings Done Safely

You may not think that safety is necessary for someone you've been talking to for x number of hours, days, months, years but the person you meet could be very different than what is portrayed and you may not be compatible. How do you get out of the meeting safely and how do you protect yourself?

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When Is It Okay to Top From the Bottom?

Topping from the bottom has been given a bad wrap. It's considered by many to be a faux pax for any submissive. Online communities shun and shame many people who even ask about the subject and want to know if what they did was considered wrong. Too many people tell these people that yes it was wrong even if it really isn't. Today I'd like to tell you that there are a few perfectly valid situations where topping from the bottom is not only necessary but welcome. That's right, the fear of topping from the bottom doesn't have to bring fear to the heart of a submissive.

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Fantastic Submissive Videos for Learning and Growth on Kink Academy

If you can't get out to munches in your community or conventions held around the world the next best thing is a website focused on kink education. I have nothing but praise for Kink Academy and the quality educators and topics that they cover on Kink Academy.

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How to Serve a Self-Sufficient Dominant

It's far harder to serve a self-sufficient Dominant because they want to do everything themselves. It is not impossible though.

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Five Reasons Why You Shouldn't Manipulate Your Vanilla Man into Being a Dominant

People often misunderstand how relationship communication works because they may have had such poor examples or think that coercing or manipulating someone is par for the course.

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How S&M Saved My Life

S&M became an almost therapeutic aspect of our relationship.

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You Share, I Share, We All Share! No no no, that's not right....

There is this misconception that everyone shares everyone else in play or sex such as a party and that needs to stop.

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How Do I Find a Dominant?

How DO you go about finding a Dominant in this modern world? Here's a short list of ways you can begin to search for a Dominant partner.

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