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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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How To Perform a Self-Assessment Before You Search For a Dominant Partner

It's good to start forming an idea of who you are and what you are looking for before you start searching for a Dominant

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The Importance of Consent in D/s Negotiation

Consent and Negotiation are probably something that we think about but don’t really acknowledge daily. It is important none the less to think about and address in a Dominant/submissive relationship.

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A Submissive Approach to Safe, Sane and Consensual

When you first enter the more public BDSM community one of the largest catch phrases you will here is SSC, also known as Safe, Sane and Consensual. It is a security blanket approach to safety when playing and negotiation of play. As a submissive, you have a lot of responsibility to keeping yourself safe and well.

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What FetLife Has Done To Change The Kink Community

FetLife, for as long as it remains a free community will always be the place I recommend novices go to lurk in the groups and feed off of information that they get there. It is the largest no-nonesense group of people I've seen. FetLife has changed the community atmosphere. It really has. Better or worse is personal opinion, but I know that for me it has a lot going for it. As it ages I think it will get more refined with the quality instead of just quantity. I'll be there to see it age. Hopefully you will join me there.

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What To Do When You Encounter Limits Mid Scene

I'd like you to understand that it is okay to find limits you didn't know where there. They could be play activities that you never experienced before that you found you don't like or it could be a pain or sensation edge. Either way, it does not make you any less of a person or a submissive or a masochist. It actually makes you that much more unique and special.

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A Submissive’s New Year’s Resolutions: Reviewing and Updating your Checklist

The checklist is a great tool to track the progression of your submission. Have you revisited your checklist lately?

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When Needs Change: How Communication Worked When My Partner Didn't Want to Be Dominant Anymore

Through open communication and the ability to listen to one another, we were able to come to a conclusion that met both of our needs.

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5 Ways Rituals Enhance Your Relationship with Yourself and Your Dynamic

Every relationship can be enhanced by ritual and also every person in the exchange can get something from ritual. It's not hard to get started either.

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Alcohol and Kink Don't Mix - Being Under the Influence Negates Consent

Just like I won’t get in a car with someone who’s had too much to drink, I’m definitely not letting someone who’s intoxicated come at me with a flogger or tie me up, either.

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What are my limits?

There's a lot you can do to learn about BDSM and what your limits might be.

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