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Content related to "Active Submission Means Always Improving Yourself"


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Solo-Coaching: Learning From Failure - It's A Good Thing

Sometimes, failing becomes debilitating. As a submissive, we will make mistakes, and how we deal with those mistakes will show us if we intend to grow or flounder. You aren't defined by your mistakes, but by your effort. Keep trying; it's in the number of times you were willing to try that you succeed.

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The Sexual Submissive

If you believe yourself to be a sexual submissive then I urge you to become comfortable with who you are and not try to force yourself to fit into any other person's idea of what you must be.

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The Importance of Journaling Your Submission

There are several reasons why you would want to start up a blog or journal. They can be very personal or have every opportunity to be open with others. Perhaps you need advice or exposure to help you through your journey. The following methods can help you get your feet off the ground.

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Preach What You Practice: Teaching What You Know Helps Others and That's Why I Do What I Do

You can have the passion for teaching as well. In everything you do, there is a lesson that another submissive can pick up. A few years ago I was given the opportunity to show another submissive how I give a foot massage. Now, I've not had training and I've only picked up a few books and read a few articles so I wasn't sure what I could teach her, but we still sat down at the feet of our owners and massaged them. She did learn a few new things that she didn't already know and it re-solidified my ability to please my Master in this task. You too probably have things you can teach.

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Some Thoughts on Domestic Service from a Male Submissive

When luna indicated that she was going to emphasize domestic service at the Sub Guide this month, it reminded me that when I tell people I am primarily a service submissive I am frequently asked: “What is that?”. The follow-up question is often, “What do you get out of that?” It seemed an opportune time to tackle these questions. (Sometimes the follow-up question is “What are you secondarily, then?” To which I always reply, “Whatever She needs me to be, of course.”)

So what is a service submissive? Simply put, it’s a sub (male or female) that takes care of household chores and similar tasks. Cooking, cleaning and other domestic duties might be performed by a service submissive. We essentially take the role of butler, maid, chauffeur, gardener or cook.

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A Mentor is Not Your Dom: Learning How to Connect with Experienced People For Submissive Development

If a Dominant approaches you and offers to be your mentor, make sure you clarify with them what you expect from them and for your own sake, keep it platonic. Your personal growth will be much improved and when that perfect Dominant comes along you'll be ready.

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Brimming with Confidence - Learning to Love Your Submissive Potential

You are worth it. No matter what sort of submissive you are, you have potential to excel in everything you put your mind to. All it requires is three simple steps and you will be well on your way to realizing your potential.

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Why is Submission So Hard!

Submission is hard. It's not an escape from the world and it doesn't make you any less of a responsible adult. Being a supportive partner requires work and devotion.

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How to Tell If You Are With a Dominant or Just a Bossy Dick

I've spent some time trying to muster up a list of identifying features of Dominants and Jerks just to see what I can come up with. Hopefully, they can help you identify why you may be miserable with the partner you are currently with.

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Must I Always Wait for My Dominant to Tell me What to Do?

You aren't a doormat. As a submissive, you can have autonomy and an active submission you can be proud of. So, must you always wait for orders? You tell me.

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