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Content related to "Start Here: New to BDSM Pack"


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Different Loving

his is an educational view on D/s pure and simple. Broken into seven sections to focus on different aspects of BDSM such as the relationship, SM, body modification, gender lines, fetishism and watersports.

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Is Submission in Opposition to Feminism?

I believe that the feminist movement can move in parallel to what submission is to the D/s world. It's about making choices, even if the choice is to not have any choices.

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Stereotyping Submission as Feminine

Does being a submissive inherently mean you are feminine? This, of course, could work in a male Dominant/female submissive dynamic, but then again not always the case. What about relationships where the female is the Dominant? Do they suddenly become masculine?

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 9: Offering Your Body for Service

Today we are going to brainstorm ways you can offer yourself to your Dominant with them in mind. There is no proper way to do this, but once you find a way that appeals to them, you will want to continue doing so.

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Domesticity: The Bathroom

I want to walk you through cleaning and maintaining a tidy bathroom. I feel that cleanliness in the bathroom shows guests how important cleanliness is in your home and your own person. While I currently don't have much more than a hallway sized bathroom with a shower at the end of it, one day I do hope to have a pleasant and inviting retreat for weary bodies.

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My Top 10 Low Cost Gift Ideas for Your Dominant

I know I don't like asking for a large sum of money, even if I say that it's for a gift for them. So, I find ways to do gift giving within a self-imposed budget. Here are my ideas that might work for you too.

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How Supportive Relationships between Submissives Work to Build Friendships

Why would it be important to foster a supportive relationship with a fellow submissive? Sometimes there are things, thoughts, and views that a Dominant may or may not be able to help you to understand.

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Points to Negotiate in Your D/s Contact That May Not Have Ever Occurred to You

We all put a huge amount of thought into our contacts-or we should. But there are often times that things arise and we have no way of predicting them.

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30 Days to Submission: Day 5 - Counting and Comparing Relationships

Have you been or are you in a dominant/submissive dynamic relationship or is this new to you?

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The Top 3 Books I Recommend to Everyone New to BDSM

I've taken some of the guesswork out of it for you by providing you the top 3 books I recommend to everyone new to BDSM. The only thing you have to do is figure out which one you want to buy first!

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