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Review: Jealousy Survival Guide by Kitty Chambliss

The Jealousy Survival Guide: How to feel safe, happy, and secure in an open relationship by Kitty Chambliss is the best little book on jealousy in open relationships out there right now. I’m finding positive coping mechanisms, learning how to manage my feelings and also why they exist in the first place. If you’ve had any moments of jealousy because of an open relationship and your feelings about your partner’s partners, this is definitely a book you should check out.

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Is It Cheating When It's Online?

Cheating is a big nasty word. It conjures distrust, fear, and doubt in a relationship. It means that someone has violated the negotiated boundaries of the relationship. But is it cheating if the offenses happened online?

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 11: Apologizing with Submissive Positions

Today's task is to learn an appropriate pose to take when apologizing for wrong-doing.

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Out of the Office and Into the Home: Making the Change From Working to Stay-at-Home Submissive

Overall it has been a positive change, even if it wasn't planned to happen right now. We are rolling with the change, making it work for us and honestly, are very happy with how things are developing for us. Staying-at-home is work, but work that I can feel good about because it is improving our personal life and enhancing our dynamic.

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What Do You Do When Top Drop Rules Your Relationship?

He saw my eagerness and it scared him. He had seen it before. He saw my willingness to a poly relationship and it petrified him. You see he had accomplished his dream relationship before me and it had crumbled because of others. I scared him because I was the dream again.

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Laney's Top Ten Personal Hygiene Reminders

There are a lot of times that things are so obvious you think "surely no one has to be reminded." However, if you spend any amount of time around people (vanilla, lifestyle, strangers etc) you will certainly notice that "yes, sometimes someone needs to be reminded."

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What To Do When You Encounter Limits Mid Scene

I'd like you to understand that it is okay to find limits you didn't know where there. They could be play activities that you never experienced before that you found you don't like or it could be a pain or sensation edge. Either way, it does not make you any less of a person or a submissive or a masochist. It actually makes you that much more unique and special.

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30 Days to Submission: Day 5 - Counting and Comparing Relationships

Have you been or are you in a dominant/submissive dynamic relationship or is this new to you?

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How to Connect with Submissive Guide

A summary of the main ways that people keep in touch with us here at Submissive Guide.

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How To Try A D/s Relationship Again When The First Time Flopped

How do you get back into D/s when the first time you tried it flopped? Kayla gives a reader some sound advice.

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