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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 231 to 240 of 1502.

My First Anticipatory Service and 3 Lessons It Taught Me

In essence, anticipatory service is about being able to see patterns in the procedure, and it can be difficult to track patterns across a wide array of your Dominant’s vocational, recreational, and habitual tendencies. If you have just one aspect to focus on it, increases your ability to observe and retain their pattern of doing things in that area so you can help them through their day efficiently with anticipatory service.

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Why You Should Know the Truth About Topping from the Bottom

Ask one hundred submissives why they consider topping from the bottom as bad and they will likely come up with something relating to "forcing the Dominant's hand." They'd be right. The real, honest to goodness, truth is that forcing the Dominant's hand is the only way you can bottom-top. How you do that is situational, different for different people or different reasons and you really can't list the exact ways that it comes about.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship-Transparency is Like a Brick Wall

Transparency is a huge factor in an M/s or D/s relationship. We both know that the moment there’s no longer 100% transparency in our relationship, then something is seriously wrong.

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Putting First Things First: Staying Connected When Apart

Sir programmed a daily task into the calendar on my phone. It was only two words: check-in.

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Under the Microscope: Analyzing What You Read About BDSM for the Truth

You can understand more of what you read and apply only what will work for your situation while discarding the rest - without being overly critical.

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An Overview of 1950's Head of Household Style Power Exchange

I believe many people in the BDSM world see any Male-dominated/female-followed (M/f) power exchange dynamic as being inherently 1950's. This simply isn't the case. So what is, exactly, the 1950's kink all about?

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Building Your Physical Home Management Journal

What I include in my home management binder and some other ideas for creating the home management binder that will work for you.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 18: First Page Ideas

A variety of page ideas to add to your blog or journal that will help you with personal development and give your journal character and personality.

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Enhancing the Dominant or Submissive Traits in Your Vanilla Partner

Mistress Steel tackles the the topic of introducing your partner to BDSM and D/s. She provides some simple suggestions to get you started with the conversation and some subtle hints you can use today to share your kink with your spouse.

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