The Wild Side of BDSM: How to Safely Incorporate Outdoor Play into Your Kink

Exploring BDSM can be an exciting and fulfilling way to expand your sexual horizons, and outdoor BDSM play can provide a unique and exhilarating experience for those interested in pushing their boundaries beyond the confines of a traditional indoor setting. However, engaging in BDSM activities in the great outdoors also comes with its own set

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Do Dominants normally celebrate their submissive’s birthday?

Full Question: Do dominants normally celebrate their sub’s birthday? Answer: Whenever I get asked about what is normal, I’m reminded of a quote from Tori Spelling, “Everybody knows there’s no such thing as normal. There is no black-and-white definition of normal. Normal is subjective.” So, do Dominants celebrate their sub’s birthday? Yes. Or no. It

Do Dominants normally celebrate their submissive’s birthday? Read More »

Am I a Sub or a Baby Girl?

Full Question: Luna…I am so very confused.  I know I am submissive, but lately, I have been questioning if I am a sub or a baby girl.  I don’t know exactly how to differentiate between the two, as the lines are kind of blurry for Daddy Doms. Help? Answer:  Labels are confusing. They often have

Am I a Sub or a Baby Girl? Read More »

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