At the beginning of February, I hosted an afternoon chats for littles here on Submissive Guide. If you missed it, don’t worry. It was the first of several other chats I plan on hosting. I had such a great time and so much fun, and I think everyone else who joined in did as well. Specifically for this chat, I created a couple of documents to share and because I think they’re awesome(I may be a little biased here), I wanted to share them with everyone else who didn’t get the chance to attend the chat.
One of the chat topics I brought up was keeping a littles journal or scrapbook. These are such fun and awesome ideas, but I know sometimes that it’s hard to get started with something like this when you have no idea where to start. So, I scrounged the interwebs(okay, maybe a littles group on Fetlife), and put together some awesome ideas to help you get started on your littles journal and scrapbook.
is taken from the Fetlife group The Magical World of Littles. This is such a great group, but I also know that not everyone is on Fetlife and wanted to share this stuff with others. The first part of it, are thirty one questions by a member and she did this in a form of question of the day in the group. These are really awesome questions that get you thinking about what makes you tick as a little and a lot of self exploration. No matter what role you play, self exploration is a GOOD THING! *giggles* The second part of it are scrapbook ideas. Things that you can include, also some links to printable chore charts that you can eventually put in your scrapbook(and I found this link the other day to make Hello Kitty and other character money which would be great for rewards after completing chores and turning in for rewards after saving up a specific amount).
that I shared on this topic is also from The Magical World of Littles Group as well. I’m sure most have heard about the 30 Days of Submission Meme(lunaKM even did her own on the site), where you have thirty self-discovery questions about submission. Well, another member took those 30 days of submission questions and tweaked them just a bit more relative to littles. They’re not the same as the questions in the first link, but there is some overlapping, but not a lot. These are another great set of questions that can be used as journal prompts and also in your scrapbook. If you’re a single little, these are still great to do because these are something you can share with a prospective caregiver to help them understand your little side better.
Now, it’s time for some FUN! I woke up super early the morning of the chat and I was super bored so that’s how this last link came into existence. Self discovery is such a great thing, but so is having fun! You can ask any little, and they will all tell you the same thing: littles love to have fun and I am no exception. So, I put together a list of bunches of links of fun stuff you can do without having to spend all your time searching the interwebs for fun things to do. This way, you have more time having fun, which we all know is super important. There’s sites for printing out your own coloring pictures, super fun crafts that are messy, but super fun and easy to do, and some fun baking and snack ideas. We need those fun snack ideas because we littles function so much better when we’re full of sugar, plus all those treats are what makes us all so super sweet.
I hope everyone enjoys these links. I can’t tell you how much fun I had putting these together to share with everyone. I am hoping to have another chat before the summer months start, so keep your eyes open for that. I’m ready to have a lot more fun everyone!