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Introducing BDSM to Your Partner

I've been receiving requests for advice and help on how to introduce BDSM to your partner, so I'm going to talk about the key points I think will help any partner open up about BDSM with their mate.

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Finding Balance in Your D/s Dynamic (and Your Life!)

Balance is mostly about feeling fulfilled but not overwhelmed. It feels like the dynamic can live in harmony with the other aspects of daily life. How that is achieved will vary based on the wishes of those involved in the dynamic.

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Start Here: New to BDSM Pack

So, you’ve discovered this great big world of BDSM and you just don’t know what to do now. Welcome! I suggest you start here in learning some of the vocabulary you’ll find around the internet and I want to help you get your head around all the things you’ll encounter, just a bit at a time.

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BDSM Mastery-Relationships by Robert Rubel and M. Jen Fairfield

There is so much pertinent information in this book that I highly suggest not skipping over any of the chapters. If you skip a chapter, there’s a lot you will be missing. After reading this book, I am really looking forward to reading more of Rubel’s work in the future.

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Sub Space: The Ultimate Frontier for BDSM Play

Subspace is a mental and physical response to the high levels of endorphins produced during play. It can manifest in many different ways and no one subspace is the same as another.

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Exploring Impact Play: A Variety of Pleasures

Impact play for me is very freeing sometimes it’s like a very intense full body massage breaking the stress of the day, the week, the month. I personally prefer when Sir uses his hands it makes it so much more personal and I believe strengthens our connection, however floggers and paddles can take me there as well.

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When Is It Okay to Top From the Bottom?

Topping from the bottom has been given a bad wrap. It's considered by many to be a faux pax for any submissive. Online communities shun and shame many people who even ask about the subject and want to know if what they did was considered wrong. Too many people tell these people that yes it was wrong even if it really isn't. Today I'd like to tell you that there are a few perfectly valid situations where topping from the bottom is not only necessary but welcome. That's right, the fear of topping from the bottom doesn't have to bring fear to the heart of a submissive.

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Processing Pain in Play: What Can Interrupt or Block Pain Processing?

If you've experienced anything like I have, there are moments where you just can't change the pain response to anything beyond pain. What normally feels really good is just not. There are a number of things that can block your ability to translate the pain.

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Stop Being So Hard on Yourself-The Importance of Accepting Who You Are

Are you wondering why you’re wired the way you are? There’s nothing wrong with questioning, but just make sure you don’t spend all your time questioning and not living.

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Finding Love in the D/s Lifestyle

The topic of love in regards to Lifestyle relationships is usually a pretty hot topic. Everyone has an opinion, thought, rule, or feeling about it.

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