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How To Identify Potential Fake Dominants, Predators and Posers

Fake Dominants are everywhere and have many tricks up their sleeve. I'm sure I've even scratched the surface of what things they can do to try to get you to believe in them and open up. Stay safe, use your common sense and if it feels wrong it probably is.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 12: Learn How to Stop Fidgeting Through Meditation and Focus

Today I'd like to talk about the bane of many a submissive; fidgeting. Sitting still is really hard for me in many situations. Either nerves or discomfort will cause you to twitch and move when all you want to do is not move. So how do you learn how to cut down your fidgeting?

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Add Your Favorite BDSM Books Reading List to Your Submissive Training Resume

The importance of this list is not only to show a potential Dominant that you are well read, but that you have a personal desire to work on improving yourself, learning a wide range of viewpoints and opinions and learn about BDSM activities of all sorts.

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When Mommy/slave is Ill...

Let's face it. Not everyone out there is graced with excellent health, some of us are even chronically ill. So what do you do as a slave and a mother and wife when the bad pain/illness days hit?

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The Role of a Collar in a Long Distance D/s Relationship

Wearing a collar is not just a way to signify to myself and others that I have given myself to another person, it’s a way to comfort myself when I’m feeling alone and to reassure myself on the days when I don’t feel actively submissive.

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How Protocol Develops in D/s Relationships

I'm going to cover the basics of protocol, some different types of protocol and then talk about how to develop your own protocol in your relationship.

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Strong and Submissive: Exploring the Phenomenon of Strong Female Submissives

About half of us are like me - powerful energetic women who love to submit. I become even more of the strong woman that I am outside the bedroom, the strong woman who revels both in her strength and in her submission.

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Meeting Someone Face to Face Is an Important Early Step in Online Dating

When looking for that compatible partner to spend your life with, determining face to face if they are attractive, how well you get along and many other factors is an important early step; even if you plan to continue discussions online after meeting.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 23 - Journal Prompts: Using Them Effectively to Improve Your Life

What is the difference between a good journal prompt and a bad one? Learn how you too can use journal prompts to better your life and help you grow in submission.

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When Journaling Gets Hard - How Depression Affected Our D/s Dynamic and How My Journal Helped Bring Us Back Together

This is a personal account of what can happen when journalling goes wrong. In Elle's case, it was when she became depressed. It's about how to recognize that there is a problem, and what you and your dominant might do to overcome it.

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