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BDSM Mastery: Your Guide to Play, Parties and Scene Protocols

This is not a book that explains what BDSM is, this is a book that explains what BDSM is all about.

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Suggest Some Tasks You Can Do While Your Dominant is Away

I think it’s an important way for us to stay connected and enforce that part of our relationship. It takes a bit of pre-planning on their part but the rewards are worth it. It makes the time away easier and allows us to stay connected, it’s not close to the same thing but it helps when we are separated. I think it’s a great way for anyone in an D/s relationship to stay connected whether it’s a long distance relationship or even if your partner is away for a day.

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Is BDSM the Nerds and Geeks Club?

Dan Savage asked if nerds and geeks are more likely to be into BDSM. It was meant to be a joke, but in all truth, there has to be something to this as I've seen it myself. Now maybe it's because I'm more sensitive to seeing nerds and geeks, or should I say advanced intellectuals, being more into BDSM than other forms of sexuality. I am, after all a nerd myself and my Master is a geek. We get along better with nerdy and geeky friends than we do others because of the common topics that keep coming up.

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How The Honor Notebook Will Help You Focus on The Good in Your D/s Relationship

As submissives we tend to need to be reminded what we are doing to improve our lives and to give credit for success and progress no matter how small we may perceive it.

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How Masturbation Changed in My D/s Relationship

For my and probably many of your relationships, orgasms are probably the first thing your Dominant wants to control. Masturbation becomes a shared event; even if it just means you have to tell them when you do it. I have to ask to have orgasms as they 'don't belong to me' anymore.

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Entering Subspace Do's and Don'ts

Subspace. It doesn't happen to everyone, nor does it happen every single time you play. Sometimes it can happen if you are in an erotic exchange but not playing. You need to know what you should and shouldn't do when subspace is imminent.

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3 Easy Steps to Setting the Mood - Make Your Playtime More Orgasmic, Full of Energy and Fun

Sure we can! Just because we love rope, leather, floggers, and control doesn’t mean we can’t have the mood set beforehand. So, what do you do?

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30 Days of Submission: Day 13 - Sexual Submission

Is sexual availability, being available to your partner any time he or she wants, part of your submission?

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 26 – Gratitude Log: Happiness’ Best Kept Secret

A wonderful thing to consider when journaling is to add a gratitude log/journal. Keeping a gratitude journal will boost your happiness. Guaranteed.

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Submission Isn't Easy-Nor for Your Convenience

How hard is it to do something that your dominant, the one person you love and trust completely, has asked that you don’t want to do? Tequilarose shares her thoughts on the sometimes struggle to submit.

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